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Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are you

Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

"Sanka, ya dead?"

Cool Runnings
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme!
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Ok, since we are talking about it, I think I will post one more time to explain my issue and then after that I will let it go.

I think I can piggy back on your parable to explain my issue, and I think that can make it as clear as I can possibly explain it.

First of all, I would like to say I totally understand this parable and what you are saying:

andrew said:
The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," quoth he, "the Elephant
Is very like a SNAKE!"

As long as you are all dealing with an elephant this is excellent. However, in the world not all long pieces of animal flesh are elephant noses. Some pieces are actual snakes. And some snakes are poisonous. And some snakes can kill you. It is vitally important to know if you are dealing with an elephant snout or a snake. It takes wisdom and knowledge to be able to identify poisonous snakes from non-poisonous snakes.

There is no avoiding this. Snakes are in the world. You have to deal with them. You can not just say the whole elephant snout / snake issue is just too complicated and we do not want to deal with it. If you are grabbing pieces of animal flesh you better know what you are doing or you are going to get bit.

Further it is not enough to just be aware of just one type of snake, rattle snakes for example (Mormonism), because another poisonous snake, copper heads (Judaizers, for example) will bite you and possible kill you. The wise thing is to do your best to be aware of ALL dangerous snakes and take appropriate precautions.

I do not think I can be any more clear than that about what the problem is, so with that I will let this issue go unless asked about it.

God bless you all
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

steve said:
There may well be sub-groups that form under the fellowship offered by this board, but that will be because they find their goals, opinions, beliefs, or whatever aligning in a more specific way than the whole board embraces. I do not see how this should be a problem to anyone.

It is not a problem for me.

I do not understand your use of the word "denomination". Stating that we believe that Mormonism is wrong is not advocating any particular denomination, unless you think that a firm belief makes us a denomination. It does not.

I agree with this. I was responding to a post by FollwingHim that indicated that I was advocating denominationalism (see the quote that I was responding to). I was not.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

andrew said:
We also enjoyed getting to know y'all, and would like to spend more time together again soon. Are you going to TN? I may try to organize a weekend event in Texas in late June, but I'll have to call that in a coupla weeks.

We would love to go to TN. We have not signed up yet. We have some scheduling conflicts are we are still trying work out if we can go or not (I know most of the rooms are taken already...).

If you do organize an event at your house please invite us and you and yours are always welcome at our house.

I didn't say you're beating a dead horse and then unilaterally continue to flog the issue.

I apologize if I misunderstood.

I'd sincerely like to see you at peace about this, Chris. To the extent you have friends that you'd like to see back on the board, maybe you could try to initiate a reconciliation process. You can always pray fervently for the different individuals involved, and I'm sure you already have. My sense, though, is that everyone else involved has moved on, and the only real closure that's going to come from this is letting go. Wouldn't mind being wrong about that, but there it is.

I am at peace about it and I am not going anywhere (unless booted). I would like to see Christian polygamists more united and more effective in a lost culture. Sometimes it feels like we have a vital message but we are fiddling while Rome is burning.

I think reconciliation is an excellent idea. I do not think that dumbing it down to the least common denominator is the answer. Revival happens when people are excited about Biblical truth, so I think that is what we need to reconcile with. I do not think this is impossible. I think reasonable men prayerfully seeking the truth can discuss it and come to an understanding.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Chris wrote:

"I would like to see Christian polygamists more united and more effective in a lost culture. Sometimes it feels like we have a vital message but we are fiddling while Rome is burning.

I think reconciliation is an excellent idea. I do not think that dumbing it down to the least common denominator is the answer. Revival happens when people are excited about Biblical truth, so I think that is what we need to reconcile with. I do not think this is impossible. I think reasonable men prayerfully seeking the truth can discuss it and come to an understanding."

I agree.

This is not the same as forcing one's ideas upon another; this is seeking unity in the Body of Christ. For this we are to strive.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

cnystrom said:
I think reconciliation is an excellent idea. I do not think that dumbing it down to the least common denominator is the answer. Revival happens when people are excited about Biblical truth, so I think that is what we need to reconcile with. I do not think this is impossible. I think reasonable men prayerfully seeking the truth can discuss it and come to an understanding.
I agree that our focus should be on seeking Biblical truth. Steve has wisely said elsewhere that if we keep our eyes on Christ, eventually our views will converge. The common denominator that I see in the people on this site is a strong respect for the Bible, and an excitement about Biblical truth. Now their understanding of exactly what the Bible means in different places does differ, but each believes what they do because they honestly believe that this is the correct way to understand what the Bible says, and they are willing to listen to further perspectives provided they are Biblically based.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

cnystrom said:
It is vitally important to know if you are dealing with an elephant snout or a snake. It takes wisdom and knowledge to be able to identify poisonous snakes from non-poisonous snakes.
This is a kind of bait-and-switch, isn't it? There some poisonous snakes that have some 'close cousins' that resemble them that are non-poisonous (which is mostly a problem for the non-poisonous snake that gets the shovel in the back of the neck), but is it really that hard to tell a snake from an elephant's trunk?

And he didn't say "behold, it's a snake"; he said "the elephant is very like a snake". Crucial difference. He knew he was investigating something big that he could only comprehend a part of, and he was comparing it to something familiar that he understood, using a simile.

And distinguishing poisonous snakes from non-poisonous isn't really rocket science anyway, is it? And isn't the main purpose of that to ensure that you don't kill an innocent, non-poisonous snake? Otherwise the correct strategy is "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out".

cnystrom said:
You can not just say the whole elephant snout / snake issue is just too complicated and we do not want to deal with it.
Nobody's doing that, or at least I'm not. I'm just not sure you're really getting the point of the parable.

In fact, to me it seems that in these matters you have essentially committed to that strategy: "If we can't be sure it's not going to kill us, we'll kill it first just to make sure."

cnystrom said:
Further it is not enough to just be aware of just one type of snake, rattle snakes for example (Mormonism), because another poisonous snake, copper heads (Judaizers, for example) will bite you and possible kill you. The wise thing is to do your best to be aware of ALL dangerous snakes and take appropriate precautions.
Seems to me we're drifting a lot, here. The point of the parable was that when finite, limited men (at best, before you get to any 'issues') try to understand the infinite, unlimited God, there are going to be—there must be—differences in our experiences and understanding of that God. To say otherwise is effectively to claim equality with God.

Chris, what does it mean to you that the apostle Peter said, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons, but in every nation he that fears him, and works righteousness, is accepted with him." Don't read too much into that or try to figure out where you think I'm headed with this, just tell me what that verse means to you.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

cnystrom said:
If you do organize an event at your house please invite us and you and yours are always welcome at our house.
Of course and thanks!!
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Hello All. We just moved into San Diego, CA and found a church that allows us to worship. We have attended once, and nobody commented on our structural dynamic. I knew the pastor when I was growing up as a teen before he ran his own church and before I was polygamist. I told them that we have a nontraditional family structure and had been kicked out of a previous church for it. He said come worship the lord. It is a very small church but we like it. We are going again this Sunday. Just thought I would share. Thanks all
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Awesome! That's a brave pastor. I've heard of many pastor's that believe in something, but aren't able to preach it or support it because they'll get fired by the church board. I guess that's the benefit of a really small church, probably no board!
Re: Christ-centered, poly-friendly churches, where are you?

MamaManson said:
I told them that we have a nontraditional family structure and had been kicked out of a previous church for it. He said come worship the lord.
Sounds like you sidestepped the baggage that people bring to words like "polygamy" and "more than one wife" and at the same time gave the pastor an opportunity to be the good guy. Good for you!
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Fascinating link Mystic, thanks, helps to explain a lot.
Re: Christ Centered Poly Friendly Chruches/ PeopleWhere are

Shalom to all!
We are a family of 3 wanting to fellowship with other like minded brethren, we are currently not attending anywhere and would love to have others to join ourselves with, and eventually add to our family. If you have any info. for this area S.F, NM. please let me know. Thank you, many blessings!