I'm certainly up for a support group and encouragement.

My baby just turned one, and I'm still maybe 30 lb over wearing my old clothes.
I wore them after #6...so I'm sure it's possible, but motivation, stress, and time have not cooperated. Actually working out or even walking might help with stress, if I can get over the stuff I let get in the way, but hubby has some legal stuff moving forward again so not sure how it will all go.
What has worked for me fairly well in the past was getting in my exercise before breakfast, and then waiting an hour more before eating. After starting the day that well, the likelihood of sabotaging my efforts was decreased. I also gave myself one day a week to eat anything, and tried to eat fewer simple carbs like bread and potatoes and sweets during the rest of the week. I have read Eat-Stop-Eat and really loved how simple that was....but don't want to fast, even intermitantly, while nursing. When reading Eat-Stop-Eat i experienced a light went on moment, and it helped me see the extra weight as "batteries" that need to be tapped into and used, rather then just carried around or even "charged" by being too constantly fed.

The blessings of abundance!
I like the saying "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels" now to post in on the fridge and pantry!