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Dumb things that men say to their wives

Daniel DeLuca

Seasoned Member
Real Person
OK, It can be something funny, provided she is not conscientious of some sort of flaw that your remark is, so use these at your own risk:
Yeah dear! She does look prettier than you.
"I don't know, where do you want to eat?"
"You are the best wife / best cook / most beautiful woman in the whole world", etc.
Sounds great as a monogamist, but if that's your habitual way of complimenting her, it might come back to bite you in the backside later...
Better: "You are a great cook, this tastes delicious". "You look fantastic today". They not only sound more sincere, but are completely compatible with polygamy.
"No honey those don't make you look fat."
"Yes honey those do make you look fat."

It actually doesn't matter what you say, only that you say it with a smirk and a twinkle in your eye. Or a shit eating grin. Or with epic exaggeration. Works well to diffuse that catch 22. Key is: flirty/not serious. Serious / scared of her reaction fails regardless what you say.
(In the first blush of romance)

There is nothing that you could do that would diminish my love for you.
I think I already turned the keys over to her, on my wedding day, by not indicating that allowing polygamy was a condition of our vows.