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Dumb things that men say to their wives

You know, I just want my marriage(s) to last for a life time. I think I will wait until she hands me the keys back.
We kinda need a new Thread for Regrettable things you may have said to your wife. This thread was actually intended for "put downs" that you shouldn't say to your wife, unless you know that she can see the humor in your remarks. This thread spun off the https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/bad-marriage-sayings.15195/ thread, which was more intended to identify remarks made in our society which imply that the wife is running the show. I realize I can get nerdy about this sort of thing, but our topics of discussion can go off track from the original course or topic, and then we get lost in the weeds, in the process.
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"My mom's recipe is SO much better!"
I think I already turned the keys over to her, on my wedding day, by not indicating that allowing polygamy was a condition of our vows.
And my church has yet to apologize to me for duping me into doing so. Go figure!
We kinda need a new Thread for Regrettable things you may have said to your wife. This thread was actually intended for "put downs" that you shouldn't say to your wife, unless you know that she can see the humor in your remarks. This thread spun off the https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/threads/bad-marriage-sayings.15195/ thread, which was more intended to identify remarks made in our society which imply that the wife is running the show. I realize I can get nerdy about this sort of thing, but our topics of discussion can go off track from the original course or topic, and then we get lost in the weeds, in the process.

Mmm, I guess I misunderstood then.

This is a bonding opportunity in disguise. Instead of asking her where she wants to go, ask her to guess where you are taking her. Then take her there. Its still funny even after she figures it out, cuz then it becomes a running gag between the two of you.

Good idea. It's also a leadership opportunity, one of the few a beta will reliably get. She wants you to take the reigns and decide (and then not let her get butt hurt about it when she doesn't like the decision).
"My mom's recipe is SO much better!"
When we first got married my husband said something along these lines about cornbread. (It’s funny that wives get hurt over that comment. Just call and get the recipe....)
Anyway, I get the recipe from her and find out the difference between our recipes is she used more sugar and butter instead of vegetable oil. IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER then the recipe I had. I was pretty new to cooking and baking when we first married and had a good relationship with his Momma, so his comment was a matter of fact not competition or complaint. Now we use butter milk in our recipe from one of his grandma’s recipes-buttermilk cornbread is delicious!
D'uh!! More sugar and butter make everything better. (sorta...:rolleyes:)

My sis told me about her mother in law's cooking/baking. How everything she made was just delicious. She figured out the why when she started asking for recipes and everything had a cube or two of butter. :)