Blessings on us all from the Lord of Hosts,
I have (I guess) simple questions for "veterans" or experimented people in PM.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
1- How do we, as men, reconcile time with our wives? Must we plan ahead moments of personal time / intimacy?
The question is valid on the viewpoint for women as well as it is for men.
When meditating about this issue of "time sharing" between my wives, this came to my mind: Leviticus 15 and impurity of the woman in her cycle.
At this time, I think that each woman must have her room and bed and me too. But the house is not designed that way, and thus it is diffcult. I built a room for the new wife, and s she has her own place, but it was my habit that I sleep in "my" bed with my 20 years wife. Now this seems to call for a change in the dynamics.
I was in a MM for 20 years and PM now rise up those kind of questions. Any advice? Must I go with the flow and need of the moment of each one, or plan something more "impartial" and go with it?
2- Eventually, will it be normal to show affection to one wife in the presence of another without causing emotions in the other one?
For now, it seems that I must be very careful when showing attention to a wife (ex.: holding her hand) in the presence and view of the other one.
Is it because they are still emotions of jealousy?
3- I have told my two daughters (13 and 15 years old) about what was happening, they accepted it quite well, they love the new wife, but they are not yet accustomed seeing me giving attention to a woman other than their mother. Not that I fear anything, but is there caveates to be careful about in this situation? Is there any family here with a situation similar to what us?
4- On the issue of time sharing. Do you have any advice? What are the dynamics of that in PM? Any counsel will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I have (I guess) simple questions for "veterans" or experimented people in PM.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
1- How do we, as men, reconcile time with our wives? Must we plan ahead moments of personal time / intimacy?
The question is valid on the viewpoint for women as well as it is for men.
When meditating about this issue of "time sharing" between my wives, this came to my mind: Leviticus 15 and impurity of the woman in her cycle.
At this time, I think that each woman must have her room and bed and me too. But the house is not designed that way, and thus it is diffcult. I built a room for the new wife, and s she has her own place, but it was my habit that I sleep in "my" bed with my 20 years wife. Now this seems to call for a change in the dynamics.
I was in a MM for 20 years and PM now rise up those kind of questions. Any advice? Must I go with the flow and need of the moment of each one, or plan something more "impartial" and go with it?
2- Eventually, will it be normal to show affection to one wife in the presence of another without causing emotions in the other one?
For now, it seems that I must be very careful when showing attention to a wife (ex.: holding her hand) in the presence and view of the other one.
Is it because they are still emotions of jealousy?
3- I have told my two daughters (13 and 15 years old) about what was happening, they accepted it quite well, they love the new wife, but they are not yet accustomed seeing me giving attention to a woman other than their mother. Not that I fear anything, but is there caveates to be careful about in this situation? Is there any family here with a situation similar to what us?
4- On the issue of time sharing. Do you have any advice? What are the dynamics of that in PM? Any counsel will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.