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Extreme Love


Real Person
Lots of thoughts churning around ... recent posts by some members, text messages with another, e-mails with some more, and a daughter making great use of a season pass for snowboarding on Mt Hood, OR.

It occurs to me that God has invited us to join Him in the wildest sport of all -- Extreme Love.

If you are in a family simply to avoid loneliness, you aren't in the game as yet. But, if you sign up to LOVE, with a capital 'L', regardless of consequences, obstacles, trials, triumphs or disappointments, costs, spiritual attacks, on any other thing in the heavens (little 'h') or on earth, poly or mono, make no doubt about it! You have just signed on for a RIDE!

Bungee jumping is over in a few minutes or seconds. This goes on, and on, and on, and on! Whee! :lol:
Amen to that!! :lol:
Its a wild ride, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
A few other thoughts have accumulated.

I remember my first time skiing. Bunny slope! I felt so unstable and unsure on my skis. Fell a few times. Kept getting up.

Eventually made it to regular slopes. I still wipe out occasionally, but love it nonetheless.

(Most spectacular wipeout: One day I had no snow gear to wear, so wore a heavy duty slick green rubber rain outfit, bib overalls and jacket type arrangement. When I went down on a steep part of the trail, the skis stopped just fine, eventually. Not me. :eek: Someone had to retrieve the skis and bring them down the hill, as I struggled manfully out of a snowbank somewhere in the woods past where the trail had turned. Thank God no trees stopped my flight! :lol: )

Truth is, I never HAVE made it onto the black diamond slopes, much less had a helicopter deliver me to the top of some mountain where you ski down about 2 jumps ahead of the avalanche set off by your passing. But I greatly admire those who do.

It seems that parallels continue. The love of my youth was wildly enthusiastic and eager, but not too mature or experienced. It was also pretty easy, looking back, though I still stumbled and wiped out and took quite a while to feel secure. However, Life happened and hopefully I have progressed. I still wipe out, and still get up and try again. Sometimes it rquires a bit of help. Sometimes it hurts. Hopefully the joy of the sport (EXTREME Love, remember?) keeps me pressing on.

As a parting thought, whatever level monogamy takes you to, I submit that choosing to pursue Great Poly Marriage constitutes a no-turning-back dedication to the Extreme Sport side of Love! :roll:

Whee!!! :D
Not to rain on your ski trip and melt all your snow, but... my very first (and last) ski trip, when I was just 17 and with a church youth group, I became the first person in the history of that particular resort to get injured during a lesson! I never even made it to the bunny slope. :lol: I tore my LCL, had to have eight weeks of physical therapy, and never went skiing again.

However.... more than two decades later, I have managed, for some psychotic reason, to keep a pair of my children's roller blades-- because they actually fit me!-- in the hopes that perhaps one day some kind children (my God children, perhaps?) will help me remember how to use them. :lol: I guess we could find a parallel to plural marriage here. :cool:
On my wedding day I thought that I loved my husband as much as it was possible. I was just BURSTING with love for him, to the point where I cried :lol: . But as it turns out, my love GREW! Who knew?! I love him more than I did then! I love him in different ways too, as I get to know him better. We've been married 6 years and we are still learning things about each other which I'm sure we will be doing all our lives :D .

I am so in love with him and I think, if there is a SW out there for him, who will love him as much as I do... well, what a blessing for him! I would love for him to have that! That would most definitely be extreme love :D