• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Glad to be a new member of this community

Oops, sentence fragment detected. I meant that transgenders *have all these new protections and rights*, and yet...

Is there an edit feature for posts after theyre submitted?
Is there an edit feature for posts after theyre submitted?
There will be, after you’ve earned your spurs. We’ve had a problem with people parachuting in and creating...ah...teachable moments, shall I say. Then after all the discussion they delete the evidence of their lack of understanding and boogey on down the road. It’s very disruptive.

You are doing a fine job, just be very intentional about what you post and you’ll get there.
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@steve I appreciate the feedback, and I totally understand the need to rank up. This cowboy's got new some new boots on, and they're made for walkin, spurs pending.

@Lanora115 Thank you ma'am, and I think information is always the name of the game in any endeavor and I will be seeking it here, although social connection is equally important to me. It's one thing to just go online and "look for girls" and I wont lie... even before I move states, I am looking to bridge connections in that department ahead of time if I can, but its a whole 'nother ballgame to fully commit to a way of life, seek people out, be serious and genuine about it, put your money wher.... you get the jist. Having already lived extensively for my youthfully-well-seasoned years in regular society, I already know everything it has to offer (not much), and also what I want out of my life, and if moving forward in life 100% of my future friends network (except for a few friendly neighbors and some inevitable work associates) were to be biblical polygamists including many families I met on here, I would be only too elated and relieved if thats what the future had in store for me.

To think, God created men and women thus, who enjoy their own gender SO much that ours is definitely the ideal marital structure and lifestyle for both sexes to be optimally happy, if each were to be honest about what they really wanted deep down... and here the majority of the world is convinced that this natural/Godly/original/divine design (polygamy) is not only discouraged, but its taboo and forbidden the world over?? No, thats an insane world, flat out. Even if dialing down the biblical aspects, just from a simpler biological viewpoint, that is still flat out insane and wrong, and NOT how males and females were created. I refuse any longer to be a part of a lost populist society that would water us all down to be a bunch of "greys" with merely coincidentally matching genitals for reproduction, which is essentially how the majority of the mainstream atheist monogamist world views it, in practice. No thanks.

So Im sure, in fact Im POSITIVE there are a few whacky quacks among you folks lol... doesnt matter. I would still choose you, I can tell this community's got the right stuff.

(Ok I officially promise to not grandstand as much on other people's threads haha)
@Keith Martin
Unfortunately i wont be able to make this one, i got a full table full of f ull plates at the moment as i work my rear end off to wrap things up here in WA to move to MT asap. But i have heard of these retreats and want to make it part of my new tradition as soon as i get settled in Yellowstone country, and for it to be my future familys tradition as well. I cant wait until the day i can meet many of you in person, but perhaps its also best i integrate myself online here first in the meanwhile to let everyone get to know me better and vice versa.

I believe that being geographically isolated as polygamists can be the internet medium is a fantastic gap-bridge, but the retreats are a strong actual solution to community building and maintaining. i look forward to being a part of them as soon as logistics permit me to attend. Being a part of a network of likeminded people and families that you have met in real life is invaluable for our kind.

Some questions about the retreats though:

How many retreats are held around the country every year?
Which are smallest/biggest?
How many people usually attend?
What kind of demographics (singles, families, men, women, young, old etc)?
And also sounds paranoid but, are these events fairly under the radar and private, no mysterious black unmarked SUVs parked outside the venue filming everyone that goes in and out? haha sorry i had to ask, im somewhat new to all this.

Thanks for the warm welcomes all around!

It's not the black SUVs that need to be worried about, its these!!

So the implication is, if some gal shows up in a SinBin, you guys are in trouble?

Just kidding, I couldn’t leave it alone without working SinBin into the conversation.
So the implication is, if some gal shows up in a SinBin, you guys are in trouble?

Just kidding, I couldn’t leave it alone without working SinBin into the conversation.
SinBin. New one on me... but hot looking van.

And, no, I'm not plotting how to own it.
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Welcome Daniel! If we haven't run you off after all these posts then you will probably like it here. Glad to have you!
Welcome Daniel! If we haven't run you off after all these posts then you will probably like it here. Glad to have you!

Thank you maam, it does feel good already to be here. I can tell this is a more reserved and less numerous community than many but you all make up for quantity with a whole lot of the other q-word.

They can try to run me off, but im in WA state, so if they did there would be nobody to bring the scooby snacks to partake in the hippie van....