I am not really new to this site since I've been lurking for a number of years (perhaps 5+), but I'm only making an account now and so I will be new to all of you.
I am an unmarried man (male?) in my late 20s. I've been a believer in Christ since a very young age. Despite these time ranges, I do not know that I have left the immature stages of being either a man or a follower of Christ. Hence, by "fledgling" I refer not to time but to maturity.
I can no longer remember the details of my path to discovering the "okay-ity" of polygyny. I do know that I, being very zealous in my beliefs, grew up forcefully sexually-repressing myself since I believed "every sexual thought is sin", and I was also traveling down the road to believing the wife was of far greater value and authority than the husband. I remember realizing once, whether it was just prior to or in the early stages of this path, that I believed that a woman should be treated as a queen and the man was no more than her servant, perhaps a knight. Something about that seemed wrong to me. On the topic of polygyny itself, I am uncertain whether I was against it, okay with it, or simply had an unformed opinion of it.
Anyway, somewhere on the journey of discovering what the Bible truly taught about sexuality and marriage I found this site. A lot of what I've come to believe about relevant topics has been informed by this site and a few others.
I doubt that I will ever take part in polygyny myself, unless something were to change in my circumstances. Firstly, I do not have even one wife, so why should I worry about getting a second? Additionally, the fact that such a thing is illegal in Canada without some of the loopholes that the USA has, as well as the fact that I would likely have great trouble within society and my family, are strong deterrents for me.
Rather, the knowledge of polygyny being acceptable to God is valuable enough to me. It provides a greater understanding of God and His Word. Also, as
@PeteR pointed out in a recent video (I don't watch many but I did watch that one), it is a central topic to patriarchy and thus our understanding of marriage.
It also follows the pattern better than monogamy-only. Where else do we see an authority structure that is one-to-one? King to citizens, master to slaves, employer to employees, all are one-to-many top-to-bottom. The only exceptions that I can think of are parents to children (two-to-many? or is this one-to-many-to-many in the vein of employer-manager-employee?), and master to apprentice (though I'm not sure one-to-one is enforced here). The only example I can think of where one-to-one is enforced would be the Sith
That's a bit about me and my journey. I don't typically join forums or give introductions, so I will now awkwardly end with: Hello!