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How to Fight the Good Fight Righteously for Patriarchy

Dr. K.R. Allen

Real Person
Dr. Wayne Grudem, now research professor of the Bible for Phoenix Theological Seminary, has been writing and teaching on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood for about 27 years. He has learned a thing or two about dealing with controversial subjects. He has provided three helpful truths in how to avoid three dangers that can ruin any defense of the truth.

First, he says that we must avoid the danger of losing our joy due to the controversy. He says, "there is a risk of being so entangled in controversy that we lose" our "joy."

Second, "another danger of controversy is that we can lose our tempers or lash out at those with whom we disagree."

Third, another "danger of controversy is the temptation to passivity and to avoidance of an important issue that the Lord is asking us to deal with."

When it comes to dealing with biblical patriarchy and sometimes the subsequent doctrine of polygyny we as saints will do better when we maintain joy in spite of the error of persecution of those around us. Too we will make better inroads when we refuse to let anger and bitterness take root in our lives. And third, when we act in integrity and courage on what we know to be right we will make an impact for the Lord and his gospel.

It is easy for those who have embraced an Evangelical Patriarchal doctrinal position to get tangled up in controversy. The doctrine can create a stir at times. Let us run with patience the marathon set before us as we in the joy and peace of the Spirit speak the truth in love without lashing out at those who do not yet see the truth. yet for sure let us certainly engage others with the truth as we have providential opportunity so we do not exhibit cowardly character.