I agree w everything & nothing.
1) Context matters.
Relationship can change opinions & change the perspective of a quoted opinion. The opinion of me stated by June, my sister's mother-in-law who has known me casually since I was 13, is different than "June", my neighbor of 5 years, & "June", my 2nd wife.
2) On forums, even like this, I tend to use single letter initials for privacy. (S, D, & me.)
3) D was easily offended & took being referred to as my 2nd wife as a sign of inferiority & caused issue in an attempt to demonstrate her superiority. After she left, she married her ex-bf who has shown her what it truly means to be inferior: husband of one, ex-husband of 4, bf of 5, & deadbeat dad to way too many.
4) The sisterwife vs co-wife vs ? represents the relationship between the wives. Sisterwives tend to be closer than co-wives who tend to be standoffish. Islamic co-wifedom mandates such coldness. "She is my husband's other wife." It designates a separation, removal, & deepens animosity for what is often (in Islamic circles) an unwanted arrangement by the women. Whereas a wife accepting another wife in w joy like she would her own sister is a much warmer embrace; a feminine version of "brotherly love", if u will. But this acceptance depends on your association w your sister even as poor brotherly relations can sour the meaning of phileo.
5) While my Christian family & friends were shocked & outraged by my polygynous scandal, declaring myself poly among my "worldly" co-workers more often brought comments of envy. My mom even said that it was worse than coming out as a homosexual. When not ONE was willing to sit down & talk Scripture & one preacher bashed me in public while agreeing w me in private (it might cost him his job), I had my fill of what other people thought. Legal or not. Welcome to me.