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Is PM a calling or a gift from God?

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Is it a calling or a gift to a husband or to a wife or to both?

Do you believe that the idea that a calling or gift is something that is a 'natural' thing were there should be little pain or suffering in performing the calling or gift?

If someone has the gift or calling to be an artist, it would appear they would be a 'natural' at it and would feel comfortable in doing it for God. If PM IS a calling/gift then why would it be so hard to function in it either for a husband or a wife or both?
Its kind of ironic that I find this posting today. I spend a lot of time reading through posts in the forum over night while at work and chatting with a couple of members. One of them asked me the other night how I came to be in a PM and why I found it where I should be. Here is what I told him:

I spent much of my younger years in mono relationships and found no joy, satisfaction or contentment in the relationship. I spent most of my days in deep depressions feeling unloved, unwanted, useless and not fit for human contact. I was unfulfilled, unsatisfied and disillusioned in the relationship. Once I met my former family, I slowly came out of the depression, began to see myself as needed, wanted, loved, cherished, respected and felt a place of belonging. I was at peace with myself, my relationship and God. I just knew deep down that that is where i was supposed to be. I miss those feelings and the companionship that I had with my former mate and sister wife. I just know deep down that is where God wants me to be, being a sister wife is the calling he has for me and being a poly wife, 2nd mom, etc is the gift to my husband from God, and they are my gift from God.

It's official! @Mojo is the first non-staff member to hit the 240 trophy points mark, obtaining the hitherto unknown but now greatly coveted rank of "Ascended Member"! The previous step up the ladder was "Esteemed Member" at 120 points. Be thinking about what we should call 360 trophy points, and I'll open a thread for a naming contest at some point.

Wow! There needs to be a special forum that only ascended members can enter.

It feels like we are getting Mormonish...
Wow! There needs to be a special forum that only ascended members can enter.

It feels like we are getting Mormonish...
Gonna get concerned if someone adds a 33rd degree......
(Can non-admins issue booms?)

It feels like we are getting Mormonish...
Or scientologyish...
Gonna get concerned if someone adds a 33rd degree......
Or we're just enjoying some good, clean fun.... ;) Since Mojo is now steaming his way toward 360 points, it's probably a good time to open the floor for nominations for the appropriate title. To review:

360 pts - ???
240 pts - Ascended Member
120 pts - Esteemed Member
45 pts - Well-Known Member

Any ideas? :cool:

Or we're just enjoying some good, clean fun.... ;) Since Mojo is now steaming his way toward 360 points, it's probably a good time to open the floor for nominations for the appropriate title. To review:

360 pts - ???
240 pts - Ascended Member
120 pts - Esteemed Member
45 pts - Well-Known Member

Any ideas? :cool:

The 360 pts title should be MONK

After attaining said title the recipient must take a vow of celibacy or monogamy, whichever applies. That should slow everyone down a bit.
The purpose of this group is to help restore a biblical understanding of marriage and family (which presupposes a biblical understanding of gender roles). Biblical marriage permits, or is even conducive to, plural marriage, but does not require it. We're not promoting plural marriage per se, it's just an obvious, sort of in-your-face version of biblical marriage, so it gets more attention.
Make it a Bernie Sanders level and require them to share any new points with the less fortunate members.

Hmm, just realized that would be the BS level.
So a longer member then....

@IshChayil, what would that be in Greek? ;)