This blue-collar theologian has reduced "covet" to simply, "The desire to have or obtain something that cannot be LEGALLY obtained."
In other words if horsey is not for sale then you cannot get it either by hook or by crook. If that 2025 F350 turbo-diesel at the neighbor's house is not for sale then STOP LOOKING AT IT! Go find one that IS FOR SALE. Nothing wrong with having it. It does however present a littany of problems: IF you don't have the $125000, you can go into (servitude) debt and pay $1500 a month(not wise typically). You can trade or barter with similar results. Or you can steal it which would violate another Command. Therefore, Coveting can be the genesis of a bunch of sinful actions- Bearing False Witness, Adultery (if that "truck" were instead a wife), Stealing or even Murdering(how desperate are you), or Idolatry (did you give in to that sheet metal form)?
Perhaps you paid cash and it was a tool for your business- ROCK ON!! You legally obtained that thing.
Same item, different spirit and intent.
Now if it were a Chevy, it would be sinful from the get go.