~Questions Just For Him~
1. What qualities does your wife/wives have that you think would make them well suited for a Poly relationship?
She is patient and kind and understood the advantages to plural marriage long before we dipped our toe in tje water. She is respectful of a sisterwife and her relationship with me and doesn't suffer from toxic jealousy issues. She gets it more than any other woman I have known
2. What do you think is your best and worst quality?
Ugh... I guess the good a woman might see in me is that I am a protector by nature. Worst is probably that I am rigid and unlikely to blend if I am correct. Tough to sometimes not focus on the fact that while I may well be the one who is in correct factually on an issue that it does not do much to address someone who is having negative emotions about the topic or issue.
3. Please describe your employment if any.
Seems more like a conversation for someone actually interested in me rather than for an exercise. Suffice it to say that my job is decent and safe.
4. What are you personally looking for in a poly relationship?
More. I am looking ideally for more kids, more hands and heads and ideas and approaches and opinions. More opportunities. More date nights. More getting to know a new wife. More new experiences. More filling someone in on old experiences. More positive emotions. More hands to hold. More of an audience to be unimpressed outwardly together by my silly shenanigans while privately admitting it is cute and endearing. More. I honestly could go on for really quite some time about kids and family and couples and other sorts of time together and just more more but I figure if you don't get it by now then more typing won't help
5. What do you think life will be like if I were to join your family?
It would be a wonderful mix of super exciting, work a day mundane, wark, comforting, hectic with sprinkles of occasional peace, probly not lots of privacy. Semi controlled but loving chaos would be my guess
6. Are you able to father Children?
Yes. I would say more but silly hyperbole on my part is not the point of this exercise.
7. . If I were to have more children with you would you want to be at the birth?
Yes. I did it last time. If a wife were dead set against it then I would likely allow it but I would like to be there. Just not in the catchers mit position if you catch my meaning.
8. What foods do you like the most and least?
Spicy rich foods. Heavy on the meat. Not so interested in sweet, give me savory any time.
Really do not like beans of any description and I am just slowly getting online with lots of cooked vegetables
9. What household chores do you enjoy the most both inside and outside?
These are far ranging...inside I suppose some would call cooking a chore but I enjoy it quite a lot.outside I suppose I like working with my hands. Taking down and breaking up a tree and then the stem or maybe repairing a fence or an auto repair. It is always much more fun with some support even if it is just to talk to and get moral support and encouragement
10. How would you feel if we were to become a family and are having our *special time* knowing that you have another wife(s) possibly in the same house?
This is skirting really close to the edge of what I will talk about in public unless it is to be funny or silly. So bear that in mind when you read the answer.
I would be happy and contented. All was right in the world. It would not be an ego thing...look how many sexual partners I have or aren't I amazing. Lame.
It would be that we are having happy time while growing closer and the rest of the family is contented and safe in their own activities while we snatch the time to bond.
11. Please tell me about you.
Just gonna skip this one. If women want to know that sort of stuff then they can say hi and get to know me. Just don't think it would help the exercise
13. Please tell me about anything you feel I should know about you your family or your beliefs that I have not covered in these questions.
Wow...big wide open field.
Probably another area where if someone were to be interested in us that they should learn from us rather than post. I have demonstrated the point of yammering tonnes to capture interests
14. Do you now or have you ever smoked, drank adult beverages for non religious reasons, or used drugs if yes please explain
I smoke an infrequent cigar, I grew up around a pot smoking dad who used it as his coping mechanism for extreme post combat ptsd. It is not my thing and generally speaking I am not over fond of it but I will admit that if it were legal in Texas I would consider getting a license to grow. Dont think I would do it in the end but would consider it. Adult beverages, oh my yes. I am not drinking for tje last few months but this is general terms. I was a sommelier (fancy French term for wine expert) once and am probly ask knowledgeable on adult beverages as some of or more scholarly types here are on scripture. Call it a hobby that I was once into quite fervently and in deep geeky detail but who's interests has wained significantly.
~Questions Just For The Wives~
(If more then 1 wife please have each wife answer these separately with her name next to her answer)
1. What qualities does your husband have that you think would make him well suited for a Poly relationship?
2. What do you think is your best and worst quality?
3. Please describe your employment if any.
I have a good but boring while challenging job in a big company where I work from home every day on a computer and on the phone. Lots of virtual meetings, that sort of thing.
4. What are you personally looking for in a poly relationship?
Trust and someone who is genuine. A friend and partner.
5. What do you think life will be like if I were to join your family?
I think he described it pretty well. It will have ups and downs but working together makes it more ups and downs. Plural marriage is not as different as everyone seems to think.
6. Are you able to conceive children?
Probably not
7. If I were to have more children would you want to be at the birth?
If I could. The hospital limited us to one person in the delivery room and it was more appropriate that he be there but given the chance I would want to be there to hold my sisters hand and support her
8. What foods do you like the most and least? My tastes and his are pretty similar but I will eat more vegetables than him
9. What household chores do you enjoy the most both inside and outside? Probably cooking as well inside. We both like to cook and try new recipes. I do more baking than he does. Outside I like to garden and raise plants. I teach our son about it and he helps and tells us he is going to be a farmer
10. What household chores do you enjoy the least both inside and out? Inside it is probably dishes. We both don't like dishes but him probably more. He worked in more restaurants and has pretty negative things to say about washing mountains of dishes when people did not show up for their shift. Outside I suppose any kind of manual labor without enough shade. I am pretty pale and the sun can hit hard
11. How would you feel if we were to become a family and our husband and I are having our *special time* possibly in the same house? Good for you two. My only concern is that if I respect your time and that part of your relationship with him that you have a similar attitude towards my relationship with him. It is not a competition and nobody should feel anything but happiness for the others in the marriage.
12. Please tell me about you.
I really don't get on here as much as he does and I really don't want to answer this sort of thing for whoever might read it.
13. Please tell me about anything you feel I should know about you your family or your beliefs that I have not covered in these questions. I think he covered it all pretty well. We have been together since we were teenagers and included me pretty well in his answers
14. Do you now or have you ever smoked, drank adult beverages for non religious reasons, or used drugs if yes please explain.
My siblings smoked pot but I am not into it. Neither of us ever smoke cigarettes. He is an expert on pretty much everything you could drink and I like wine and cocktails, especially a margarita. Living with him I suppose I have gotten pretty knowledgeable and it had been fun on trips to visit distilleries and wineries. We are on a break from any drinking though and trying to go to the gym.