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Kamala Harris for President

Has anybody seen the movie Idiocracy? Well now you have…
Ugh... the restraint I am using here, holding back the urge to rant about the anti-Flynn effect and decreasing prevalence of alleles associated with intelligence.
Need me a nerd girl that enjoys info-dumping
Oh, and - RIGHT on CUE! - 'polls' now show her running "neck and neck" with Donald Trump.

All the better to spin the coming election rig. Can you smell it?
Anybody else remember when Heels-in-the-Air Harris was BORDER CZAR?

Not in Orwell's AmeriKa:

(it WOULD be funny if not so Transparently Evil.)
Harder and harder time finding the humor every day.

Sidebar musing.
I tend to wonder how many of our number disagree with these opinions and to my mind self evident truths and see many of us as at minimum slightly crazy for not being on board the Biden and now Kamal train
"Win" is never the term I have used....don't think it still applies.
They take office and weird power over us and that means we loose, regardless of the mechanism or machinations used to get there.

We all know they will be going even harder with the cheating this time
Very much same
Still predicting a democrat win in fact
The left’s election tampering system has not been addressed. We have entities providing digital election security for counties nationwide that have connections to antifa. So do we sit it out? Hell no. We get everyone we know on our side to the polls and then expose every bit of cheating we find. This is going to take every last one of us doing everything we legally can to try and overcome the steal, by ballot box or gavel.
Why are you expecting left victory?

If left victory is certain why are they Trump proofing Ukraine war (with law which requires 10 years of support).

And cheating on election has become more expensive because 1) money is more expensive and 2) more cheating is needed.

Oooo, you faithless people. How about turning to Lord and asking for deliverance from left for whole nation.

If 10 righteous people were enough for Sodom and Gomorrah, maybe we could 10 people from forum for whole country?

It doesn't hurt to ask, you know. And worst possible is no which would be sign to leave US forever.