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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

I've found people in person do well to persuade or at least have a good discussion. Its online that people flip out. My friends at synagogue know where I stand including the Rabbi's wife. Speaking of flat earth, regardless what you think its shaped like, you have to admit the have been effective in spreading what they believe is true.
Speaking of flat earth, regardless what you think its shaped like, you have to admit the have been effective in spreading what they believe is true.
So... yer saying we only need to convince flat earthers of poly and they'll do the rest?
But it's just seen as weird. Not sinful. There's a big difference.
Actually, entire videos are devoted to "sinfullness" of believing in a flat earth. A Facebook friend of mine is one the worlds most famous flat earthers and he is told constantly to repent or go to Hell. Anyway, maya take on it is even if the earth is a big beach ball, something really stinks coming from main stream astronomy and have indeed been deceived in many ways.
But it's just seen as weird. Not sinful. There's a big difference.
It is considered a minor heresy in some quarters. I'm not saying we should all study their playbook but you have to admit that there are some object lessons there.
Also, I am not a flat earther. Although I agree with @Elijahsfire that they're far less destructive than the mainstream view.
It's an interesting correlation though. They were able to get traction with an unpopular, counter-cultural idea using a surprising amount of Biblical arguments.

They had help.. It only got the early traction it did because Youtube was seeding their early influential videos into peoples suggested videos. This is how a very high % of people found out. We now know Youtube greatly manipulates what is and isn't in those suggested feeds. I don't know why for sure. I suspect, in order to distract people from Trump; this happened in the thick of his rise when they were pulling out all the stops. Maybe also to seed the movement. They always plant shills and false narratives in conspiracy movements; if not outright start them.

Don't take this as a commentary on pro/con flat earth. Nor am I trying to take away from Zec's valid point, they got good traction (largely with a bunch of non-religious), using Biblical arguments. Rather, it is a reminder of the dynamic at work here. Yes flatearthers approach this with quasi-religious ferver and that contributed to it's reach. But it's early push wasn't organic. Likewise, a lot of the push in the culture for polygamy isn't organic; but rather part of the effort to harm Christian monogamy. Media is highly controlled today. TV shows are propoganda as entertainment. Polygamy followed on the heals of the gay marriage 'movement'; which was entirely artificially constructed. Which is all the more impressive really, considering the rapid, extremely dramatic cultural and legal change they effected in under 10 years.

So how does this apply to meemes in this thread? These may be amplified or surpressed on social media, depending on their effectiveness and which way the social media deep state is pulling on this issue. I'd be highly interested to hear if anyone got their post or account censored on Twitter or Facebook over one of these memme's (as is very common for many conservative political topics). That would be useful intel.
It is also worth noting something about that religious ferver that flat-earthers have. I think this comes about because the idea constitutes a radically different paradigm for viewing the world, and one which (true or not) explains a lot about what is going on in history, current events, and religion and which strikes a cord with people deep down.

On marriage issues we see the same thing in the various men's movements. But not with polygamy, not yet anyway. Either this issue doesn't have the structure for that kind of appeal or we haven't packaged it right yet.

All worth thinking about in application for how we compose meme's.
@rockfox you make some great points which is exactly why we should be finding ways to insert poly into the public conversation. If this is the Father's time of awakening, then He'll cause this to be spread, even if by the enemy's hand for percieved evil intent.

We need morevthan memes. Podcasts, articles and short pithy videos....
Of course, what I am seeing is that y'all are basically saying we need to come up with videos that both say that President Trump is anti-polygyny and others that feature Christian Polygynists who are anti-Trump and suddenly the media would promote the "alternative lifestyle" like there were no tomorrow.
Of course, what I am seeing is that y'all are basically saying we need to come up with videos that both say that President Trump is anti-polygyny and others that feature Christian Polygynists who are anti-Trump and suddenly the media would promote the "alternative lifestyle" like there were no tomorrow.