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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

This one might have already been shared, but it is really good.

View attachment 3790
That was made by anti-Christian pro-homosexual-marriage activists in order to ridicule the idea of "traditional marriage", make Christian marriage activists look like hypocrites, and promote the idea that marriage can be whatever you want it to be so gay marriage should be fine too. The detail of the wording shows this, everything is twisted as negatively as possible. So I wouldn't use this widely - but it is very interesting.
That was made by anti-Christian pro-homosexual-marriage activists in order to ridicule the idea of "traditional marriage", make Christian marriage activists look like hypocrites, and promote the idea that marriage can be whatever you want it to be so gay marriage should be fine too. The detail of the wording shows this, everything is twisted as negatively as possible. So I wouldn't use this widely - but it is very interesting.

I agree. The wording in the image is biased towards making marriage in general seem oppressive or negative.
It's also not correct as Jacob had four wives, or two wives and two concubines depending on how one wishes to list them, but the image sets out various possibilities in a simple graphic. Maybe someone with good graphic skills could make a better one and it could be printed, framed and hung on my wall(?)
Reformation Day!

Reformation Day!

Happy Reformation day to you too!