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Let's make some pro polygyny memes

Seems she has the wrong boyfriend...

"Cheating" should be in quotation marks, of course: when a man is committing fornication, it is his responsibility to marry and provide for the woman. That this wife would hold him to his responsibility is what anyone who cared about the man's soul ought to do. So much is allowed to slide in a society which rejects the duties God laid on us as not only unnecessary but sinful. We need more men who will stand up and hold a man responsible to marry. 🤜
So, with ALL the time I have on my hands, I came across this.

It's the wedding of the century and the story you've waited a lifetime for! Archie finally marries Betty! ...and Veronica? Almost 80 years in the making! But is this really the end of the classic love...

So, with ALL the time I have on my hands, I came across this.

It's the wedding of the century and the story you've waited a lifetime for! Archie finally marries Betty! ...and Veronica? Almost 80 years in the making! But is this really the end of the classic love...


Is "Archie" a polygyny comic book thing? Awhile ago when I was looking through this thread, I saw a "Archie" panel or something and got curious what it was. :)
Is "Archie" a polygyny comic book thing? Awhile ago when I was looking through this thread, I saw a "Archie" panel or something and got curious what it was. :)
It's a long running comic that is known for a love triangle between Archie, Betty, and Veronica. The TV show Riverdale is based on the same characters. I can't imagine they would go for a polygynous resolution after all this time. It would be a bold move.
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I'm too busy to catch up on anything on the forum but here are some memes for my family here :)
I just BLEW up my FB wall with all the new memes :):cool: