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Marrying a reformed prostitute?

inquisitive one

New Member
Need some input here please. Is it biblically acceptable to marry a reformed prostitute? Thoughts of why / why not appreciated. God bless.

Passages from the bible to back up what your saying please.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

I was looking at doing that. At least a girl who had done this briefly.

Here is one thought:
-if she was not saved, and now is, she is a new creation
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

inquisitive one said:
Is it biblically acceptable to marry a reformed prostitute?

This is no different from the question "Is it biblically acceptable to marry a reformed (FILL IN BLANK WITH WHATEVER YOU ARE ASHAMED OF FROM YOUR PAST)?"

Matthew 7:1-5

Now, are there things to consider that are important (current behavior, how did this reformation come about and how long has it been in place, STD testing, mental health issues)? of course there are, but every person is broken in some way. If they have truly repented and changed, then who are we to stand in judgment of their sin?
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

The prophet Hosea was actually commanded by God to do just that. Hosea 1:2. So it's certainly acceptable to God, I would say praiseworthy if you are willing to take on a woman with such a past.

You will obviously have a LOT of issues to work through. But there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the concept.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

FollowingHim said:
The prophet Hosea was actually commanded by God to do just that. Hosea 1:2. So it's certainly acceptable to God, I would say praiseworthy if you are willing to take on a woman with such a past.

You will obviously have a LOT of issues to work through. But there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the concept.

Hosea was the only man in the Bible to be commanded by God to marry a prostitute and this was for a specific reason. As an earthly/human example of Gods unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. He told Hosea to forgive Gomez as God would forgive.

The bible also says:-

"A widow or a divorced woman or a woman who has been defiled or a [highlight=]prostitute, these he shall not marry [/highlight]but he shall take as his wife a virgin from his own people" Leviticus 22:14

"Do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals" 1 Corinthians 15:33

"For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword, her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell" Proverbs 5:3-5

"The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord and the Lord is for the body" 1 Corinthians 6:13

"For a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait and multiplies the unfaithful among men" Proverbs 23:27-28

But then there is also

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone the new has come" 2 Corinthians 5:17

That's why my confusion
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

Do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals" 1 Corinthians 15:33

But you said she was reformed and no longer bad company?

"For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two edged sword, her feet go down to death, her steps lay hold of hell" Proverbs 5:3-5

You said she was no longer immoral, but reformed?

"The body is not for sexual immorality but for the Lord and the Lord is for the body" 1 Corinthians 6:13

And you gave the impression that she had also come to that conclusion herself and given herself to the Lord?

"For a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait and multiplies the unfaithful among men" Proverbs 23:27-28

Prostitute? What prostitute? You said she was no longer a prostitute. That is like calling me a toddler - those days are long gone.

Leviticus 22:14 - not sure how to answer that one. Sorry :(
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

eternitee said:
Leviticus 22:14


- not sure how to answer that one. Sorry :(

I am sure he is referring to the sons of Aaron.

Are you a Priest OP? From the seed of Aaron?

Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

Gots to agree with Bels here. God respects blood. Don't always understand it but He does. So unless you are a direct descendant of Aaron. (impossible to prove after the tribes were scattered) I think you are good on the Levitical Law there.

On the other side. Christ time and time again said Go your faith has healed you. I think this is part of the new creation thing as well. If she now has faith and in faith has asked to be healed, well..
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

Eternitee has covered most of those, very well. Bels is correct that Lev21:14 (see correct chapter) is about priests.

Leviticus 21 details how a priest was to be set apart and holy for God, behaving differently to most men. For instance they were not to deal with dead bodies (v1) - that does not ban anyone from dealing with them, clearly someone must. In addition, a priest was not to marry a prostitute or divorcee (v7), and the high priest could not marry a widow either but was required to marry a virgin (v13-14). If all men could only marry virgins, many women could never have a Godly husband. Furthermore it would contradict clear commands for widows to remarry.

When taken in context it is very clear that v14 is a specific instruction for the high priest alone, not something to guide our lives.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

Thank you everyone for all your helpful input.

The young woman is saying that she has given up prostitution but has not committed herself to God. Nor to me for that matter but I am hoping that she will make a commitment to me soon. She is not religious and does not talk of making a commitment to God.

Also there is no hard evidence that she has given up the prostitution which is complicated by the fact that her advertisements are still all over the internet. She states that she is unable to remove the adverts and has not changed her phone number. I want to believe this young woman and give her a better life than that she has had so far. I already have a wife whom I also need to consider.

Blessings to you all for your thoughts.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

Um, I'm pretty certain that those adverts can be taken down quite easily....Red flag my friend. RED FLAG! :!: :!: :!: :!:

Also, remember the command to not be unevenly yoked. If she is not willing to place herself under God's authority, what makes you consider that she will take your authority any more seriously? I would walk the other direction with this lady. If she decides to follow, great. Let her follow for a while and bear some fruit before getting involved again.

Above all, don't set your current marriage up for total failure.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

As a general statement ...

However, in the situation you are describing, I, too, counsel all the caution just given.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

inquisitive one said:
I want to believe this young woman and give her a better life than that she has had so far. I already have a wife whom I also need to consider.

The problem is she does not want a better life. Also, you do not have to marry her to help her. You do not have to be in a relationship with her to help her. In fact if she has had a life of prostitution she probably needs to know she is worthy of attention WITHOUT ANY STRINGS ATTACHED before she will ever be ready for a normal, functional relationship with another human being.

She is not interested in committing her life to God? then in my opinion she has very little hope of digging herself out of the mess her life has become.

You already have a clear God given responsibility and that is to the wife you are already married to. You have no business bringing this chaos upon anyone else.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but the fact that you cannot clearly see you are not helping anyone in this situation is worrying.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

ALL of your answers are in your last post.
talleromk and eternitee have given you great advice. you are fixin to lose your primary relationship over this.
give it a couple of years before giving your final answer (doing anything permanent i YHWH's eyes).
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

the main message is so huge that the statement under it is pretty obscure, I totally missed it. for that I apologize.

it would fit in better in the earlier part of the conversation, but after io's last post it is a wrong direction, in my opinion.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

Steve, you've a right to your opinion. I'll even let it stand.

The dumbaxx advice was based upon her being a REFORMED prostitute.

Unfortunately, it now becomes clear that there's little reason to believe the adjective.

I believe it also said, "As a general statement ..." and "However, in this situation..."

I stand by my post. Dumbaxx or not.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

You have to pay money to advertise. Stop paying, the ads disappear. So if they're still up, she's still paying for them for some reason...

Fully agree with Taller and Eternitee, read those posts several times and take it to heart. You don't have to marry her to help her. At the moment she probably thinks men are only interested in sex (given her past), if you'll only help her if she's giving you sex (which is how this may come across to her) that just reinforces that view. Also, protect your wife, don't go exposing her to disease and heartache. Marrying this woman at this stage wouldn't help either woman.

Your top priority in life, as a Christian, is not to bring women to yourself, but to bring people to GOD. Try leading her to Him. If she genuinely chooses to follow Him, He may sort out the issues in her life, and one day in the future she may become decent marriage material for somebody (who may or may not be yourself). You're going about this all backwards.

It sounds like you're being blinded to the obvious red flags everywhere by the sight of a sexy and willing female body... I might have the wrong impression of course, but that's what it sounds like.
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

I would like to clarify a couple of things here. Firstly the internet advertising is free.

Secondly this is not about sex for me. I already have a wife who's sexual needs are greater than mine and with whom I have a great sex life so I am not in need of more sex.

Thank you everyone for your thoughts

God bless you all
Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

inquisitive one said:
Secondly this is not about sex for me. I already have a wife who's sexual needs are greater than mine

With that in mind, do you feel it is fair on her to further split your sexual energies by adding another wife? Just because it is not about sex to you, doesn't mean that you are not responsible for her having a full sex life, if you don't have much of a libido you could be doing a disservice to your current wife and possibly the additional one also.
Just a thought.

Re: Marrying a reformed prostitue?

eternitee said:
inquisitive one said:
I want to believe this young woman and give her a better life than that she has had so far. I already have a wife whom I also need to consider.

The problem is she does not want a better life. Also, you do not have to marry her to help her. You do not have to be in a relationship with her to help her. In fact if she has had a life of prostitution she probably needs to know she is worthy of attention WITHOUT ANY STRINGS ATTACHED before she will ever be ready for a normal, functional relationship with another human being.

She is not interested in committing her life to God? then in my opinion she has very little hope of digging herself out of the mess her life has become.

You already have a clear God given responsibility and that is to the wife you are already married to. You have no business bringing this chaos upon anyone else.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but the fact that you cannot clearly see you are not helping anyone in this situation is worrying.

I reaffirm that this is not about sex for me. I understand what your saying about her need to know that she's worthy of attention with no strings attached but it's too late for that. We have already had a sexual relationship, which further complicates matters. I know that this was wrong and I feel bad about it, but I can't undo what has been done and yes my wife knows about it and has forgiven me my indiscretion and there has been no further sexual contact with this woman, only friendship.