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Matthew 19:9 Adultery due to unjustified divorce?


New Member
Greetings, I do not believe that the situation was solved in this thread: https://biblicalfamilies.org/forum/...-in-unjustified-divorce-and-remarriage.14022/. It seemed to have veered off to something unrelated to OP's question.

I understand the concept of the man being responsible for the unlawfully divorced wife's adultery if he puts her away. What I am looking for is scriptural precedence for the notion of the following: "If a man unjustly divorces his wife, and then marries another, it is adultery." Where is this concept found elsewhere in scripture? I thought that adultery was simply if a man goes with a married woman or if a married woman breaks wedlock by going with any man other than her husband.

Thank you for reading.
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