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A vaccine is not defined as a specific treatment.
But it was LONG defined specifically as a killed or attenuated version of the thing against which is was supposed to 'vaccinate' - by stimulating the body's natural immune response to recognize it.

Of course, even 'woman' doesn't mean what it once did...
But it was LONG defined specifically as a killed or attenuated version of the thing against which is was supposed to 'vaccinate' - by stimulating the body's natural immune response to recognize it.

Of course, even 'woman' doesn't mean what it once did...
Define long?

Viral vectors were used since the 1970s to insert genetic material into a cell for vaccination purposes. M-RNA is a surgical weapon in contrast.

Originally killed or weakened version of a disease, or a similar disease which does not affect a host, but can train the body to react, were the only tool available. Giving the body a blue print to teach it how to fight is the next generation.
f a somewhat audacious argument is made that woman store men's DNA then it is up to that group to prove it
It was proven in the 19th century. It’s a done deal.
But women want new science because the real science makes them uncomfortable.
It was proven in the 19th century. It’s a done deal.
But women want new science because the real science makes them uncomfortable.

I would like to see a report on that then. While DNA was discovered in 1869, they did not know what it was, and only retroactively was it determined that they had discovered what is DNA. How would they determine if the origin is male or female? It was only in the 1930s that they got some clarity, the doubly helix structure was only discovered post WWII.

I have heard of mothers retaining cells of a son the bore, but that is something different.
[Vaccine] was LONG defined specifically as a killed or attenuated version of the thing against which is was supposed to 'vaccinate' - by stimulating the body's natural immune response to recognize it.

Define long?
"...in July 1796, Dr. Edward Jenner inoculated Phipps with matter from a human smallpox sore in order to test Phipps’ resistance. Phipps remains in perfect health, and becomes the first human to be vaccinated against smallpox. The term ‘vaccine’ is later coined, taken from the Latin word for cow, vacca."

If you believe WHO.
BTW, the real problem is:

Giving the body a blue print to teach it how to destroy its own immune system...is the next generation:
of biological warfare amounting to genocide.

Call it a "lack of trust," Maia. Well-deserved, in fact.

(Check it out for youself:
they hid the fact that what are called "challenge tests" with the "real infectious agent" produced a 100% fatality rate in mRNA 'immunized' ferrets and cats, prior to the global human experiment. But DON'T use Gulag [Google]. "Cytokine storm." )
"...in July 1796, Dr. Edward Jenner inoculated Phipps with matter from a human smallpox sore in order to test Phipps’ resistance. Phipps remains in perfect health, and becomes the first human to be vaccinated against smallpox. The term ‘vaccine’ is later coined, taken from the Latin word for cow, vacca."

If you believe WHO.

Yes, like I said originally killed or weakened versions of pathogens were used, but that does not mean that this is the only way. Let me use an analogy. Turbocharging a car is different then supercharging a car, but both are methods of forced induction, and serve the same purpose forcing more air into an engine, so that more fuel can be burnt. Then you have Porsche using the word turbo on the electric Taycan, which kinda annoys me, but they appropriated the word to mean "goes faster" I guess.
I do believe that people should have a choice, but (this is something that many people want to avoid) with freedom also comes responsibility. If parents choose not to vaccinate a child, then that choice should be respected, however if the child then dies or gets complications from said disease then the parents can go to hell. Not to mention have a chat with a judge.
As long as you are consistent
If you vaccinate a child and they have a reaction and die ( the parent can go to hell?) then too someone should answer for it, not to mention have a chat with a judge.
With freedom comes responsibility
I do not understand the arguing against vaccines. Yes, certain people have negative reactions against certain vaccines but in the end it is going to be something like 6 people have issues, 6 million benefit. Vaccines have done wonders against dieses like Polio. To argue against them defies logic. M-RNA is one of the potentially best attack vectors against cancer.

I do believe that people should have a choice, but (this is something that many people want to avoid) with freedom also comes responsibility. If parents choose not to vaccinate a child, then that choice should be respected, however if the child then dies or gets complications from said disease then the parents can go to hell. Not to mention have a chat with a judge.
Because you have never faced situation of your child developing autism directly after vaccanation only to be shamed and finding no recourse is possible.

According to CDC, today's children should take 50+ vaccine before 18th birthday. While number of adverse reactions has grown at the same time number of vaccinations per child has grow. Not only autism is suspect, also auto-immune diseases are on list of caused by vaccines.

Do you know that vaccines contain mercury and aluminium, both pure poisons?

And vaccine history is suspect. They were found and developed during industrial revolution. Same revolution which has enabled enough income and production to stop famines in Europe?

So actually better food security was doing heavy lifting with vaccines contribution being zero. Statistical data in anti-vaccine books shows death from diseases falling before vaccine introductions. So it's obvious something else was already lowering mortality rates.
Viral vectors were used since the 1970s to insert genetic material into a cell for vaccination purposes. M-RNA is a surgical weapon in contrast.

Originally killed or weakened version of a disease, or a similar disease which does not affect a host, but can train the body to react, were the only tool available. Giving the body a blue print to teach it how to fight is the next generation.
This is good. Man, if I was your immunology professor, you have just earned repeat of course.

Ok, intro to immunology 101. All cells contain ribosome which produce proteins according to DNA instructions. DNA instruction are copied to RNA which is transported to ribosome.
Key info is that ribosome has only 70% success rate. So 30% of proteins are incorrectly assembled? Where "errors" finish? On cell membrane. Why?

Because T-cell have very special training which takes over decade. This is why children are more sick. Last line of defense is in school learning absolutely every protein every made by your body. And allowed error rate is 0% (otherwise you would get auto-immune disease).

So T-cell will use their knowledge of all your protein to do inspection tours to check what your cell are producing. Obviosly, cance and infected cells will present "contraband" proteins on their surface. Reward for such cell: Kill yourself.

End of part 1.
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Part 2:

Now, mRNA "vaccine". Well, body extremely avoids hacking of it's genetic material and mechanism for protein production. So with some clever trick(s) scientists have found way to hack protein production.

Instead of receiving RNA from cell core, ribosome will receive mRNA and start spike protein production. Since spike protein is foreign substance produced in massive amount body will produce antibodies (idea is stupid, but that is for another time). Horewer, also spike protein producing cell will also put unfinished spike protein on their membrane. Right to be noticed by T-cell.

So end result is T-cells practing cellicide (from genocide) of unlucky healthy body cells. How long will this last. As long as you have mRNAs in your body. Your body doesn't natural way to eliminate mRNA. In fact, immune cells are most probable to take mRNA which will result in their death by T-cells. So by by, your immune system.

And this isn't worst. In worst case, mRNA becomes part of your DNA (there are viruses which to this to humans, welcome herpes family). So in this case, you have earned yourself permanent auto-immune disease.
One thing about medical research that IS an issues is that a lot of the study are predominantly white. Asians, Blacks might potentially react differently, and they need to put in more effort here.

Same thing goes for different sexes.
I think that it goes back to what I said before about money in science and the revolving partnership between industry and the regulatory bodies.
So, corruption basically
I do not understand the arguing against vaccines. Yes, certain people have negative reactions against certain vaccines but in the end it is going to be something like 6 people have issues, 6 million benefit. Vaccines have done wonders against dieses like Polio. To argue against them defies logic. M-RNA is one of the potentially best attack vectors against cancer.

I do believe that people should have a choice, but (this is something that many people want to avoid) with freedom also comes responsibility. If parents choose not to vaccinate a child, then that choice should be respected, however if the child then dies or gets complications from said disease then the parents can go to hell. Not to mention have a chat with a judge.

I would encourage you to look at some of the info that was posted in the various threads about covid 19 here
There is a fair amount of BS but there is some real gold as well. Much of the information as presented by RFK Jr, the hearings held by Sen Ron Johnson and evidence presented at those hearings. I am fairly sure I posted a long form video with several MDs and PhDs presenting evidence of Vastly more injuries and deaths that were admitted to by the governments or the various big pharma companies. The one that stands out in my mind is the evidence presented from the military database called DMed. Worth a watch. If you want I can track it down for you. Ling and dry but full of info.

Plus in the case of the covid shenanigans, even if one assumes that the shots are one in a million with respect to problems, the manner in which it was handled soured an enormous swath of people.
The emergency authorization process comes to mind. It could not have legally been given if it there were other potential extant therapeutics.
We were overtly lied to. There were multiple therapeutics that could have been utilized.

People see the efforts of industry and government working together to exercise power over normal people and it scares the hell out of them as well as destroys trust.
Yes that is a concern, Israel is allegedly working on a DNA or RNA based bio weapon that only affects Arabs. That would be immoral, however that is just misusing a tool for evil, that does not make the tool evil.

Please don't imagine that is the only example by a long chalk.
I by default assume that all governments who have the budget are working on it.
I do not understand the arguing against vaccines.
How many did people do you know did you know who got duped into taking the Zyklon-B mRNA injection - and DIED? And booster after booster - if they survived that long?

There'll be a lot more of them to come, as they succumb to turbo-cancers, myocarditis, strokes, and immune disorders.

Good think that they got the "get out of jail free" card, and REAL immunity - to lawsuits and prosecution - by changing the definition.

I argue that people should know enough to say "NO" - because lives are being destroyed. But it won't happen in my house.
This is good. Man, if I was your immunology professor, you have just earned repeat of course.

Ok, intro to immunology 101. All cells contain ribosome which produce proteins according to DNA instructions. DNA instruction are copied to RNA which is transported to ribosome.
Key info is that ribosome has only 70% success rate. So 30% of proteins are incorrectly assembled? Where "errors" finish? On cell membrane. Why?
Did not know the exacts number from memory, will trust you and not put in the effort to research them
Because T-cell have very special training which takes over decade. This is why children are more sick. Last line of defense is in school learning absolutely every protein every made by your body. And allowed error rate is 0% (otherwise you would get auto-immune disease).

So T-cell will use their knowledge of all your protein to do inspection tours to check what your cell are producing. Obviosly, cance and infected cells will present "contraband" proteins on their surface. Reward for such cell: Kill yourself.

End of part 1.
I would point out that as an immunology Professor you SHOULD know that if we are already at the cancer stage then apoptosis has already failed.
Part 2:

Now, mRNA "vaccine". Well, body extremely avoids hacking of it's genetic material and mechanism for protein production. So with some clever trick(s) scientists have found way to hack protein production.

Instead of receiving RNA from cell core, ribosome will receive mRNA and start spike protein production. Since spike protein is foreign substance produced in massive amount body will produce antibodies (idea is stupid, but that is for another time). Horewer, also spike protein producing cell will also put unfinished spike protein on their membrane. Right to be noticed by T-cell.
In terms of effectiveness the m-RNA COVID vaccines are superior compared to the conventional ones from Astra Zeneca and the Russian Sputnik, and the one from China Whos name escapes me.
So end result is T-cells practing cellicide (from genocide) of unlucky healthy body cells. How long will this last. As long as you have mRNAs in your body. Your body doesn't natural way to eliminate mRNA. In fact, immune cells are most probable to take mRNA which will result in their death by T-cells. So by by, your immune system.
I am not aware of any documented cases where m-RNA COVID vaccines led to a decrease in T-cells. Would be interested in literature.
And this isn't worst. In worst case, mRNA becomes part of your DNA (there are viruses which to this to humans, welcome herpes family). So in this case, you have earned yourself permanent auto-immune disease.
Let me quote, well you. "Well, body extremely avoids hacking of it's genetic material and mechanism for protein production. So with some clever trick(s) scientists have found way to hack protein production." The viruses use specific molecular tools. The M-RNA vaccines do not have those. Do they just appear out of no where?
Is it hypothetically possible that the m-RNA gets sequenced into the DNA? Yes, in the same way that it is hypothetically possible that when I walk to the bakery on Sunday I get hit by a
{\displaystyle \gamma }
ray generated thousands of light years away, that causes an unfortunate mutation in one of my cells. I am more worried about COVID ravaging my lungs.
I would like to see a report on that then. While DNA was discovered in 1869, they did not know what it was, and only retroactively was it determined that they had discovered what is DNA. How would they determine if the origin is male or female? It was only in the 1930s that they got some clarity, the doubly helix structure was only discovered post WWII.

I have heard of mothers retaining cells of a son the bore, but that is something different.
It’s been discussed before, I will leave you to do the research.
I am more worried about COVID ravaging my lungs.
Honestly, and no offense, you should be far more worried about the Zyklon-B ravaging your fertility.

And that one you really SHOULD do the research on. It's not hard. And, hopefully, err on the side of caution, and skepticism. If you're under 85, you're far better off taking vitamin D, and certainly ivermectin if you show symptoms, than trusting some vial where - face it - you really do NOT know what's in it.
In terms of effectiveness the m-RNA COVID vaccines are superior compared to the conventional ones from Astra Zeneca and the Russian Sputnik, and the one from China Whos name escapes me.
Sputnik and AstraZenica were not "conventional" vaccines in any way. They were genetically modified DNA vaccines using a viral vector to insert the DNA into the cells. Similar sort of technology as the mRNA ones, just delivered as DNA instead of mRNA. Not "conventional" at all, which would be dead or weakened coronavirus. There wasn't time to develop a conventional vaccine, which is why all of them were novel technology. Of course, you'd know this if you were an immunology professor...
Did not know the exacts number from memory, will trust you and not put in the effort to research them

I would point out that as an immunology Professor you SHOULD know that if we are already at the cancer stage then apoptosis has already failed.
I'm not immunology professor. Only reason is too long education period. Mechanism described works before
In terms of effectiveness the m-RNA COVID vaccines are superior compared to the conventional ones from Astra Zeneca and the Russian Sputnik, and the one from China Whos name escapes me.
Possibly true if you only look at measures of vaccine efficacy in short term.

Real problems is all-cause-death-mortality. It makes no sense if hearth is saved by medicine by causes liver failure. Croatian saying: operation was success, patient is dead.

Early warning systems were owerhelmed by people's complaining with problematic symptoms. At least order of magnitude more than usual.

And falling fertility rates, which have started falling, after vaccine introduction are proof of vaccine damaging reproductive system.

Reason why testing period of vaccine is about decade is to find about damages which need long time to manifest.
I am not aware of any documented cases where m-RNA COVID vaccines led to a decrease in T-cells. Would be interested in literature.
I would exoect loss of macrophages before T-cells.

Let me quote, well you. "Well, body extremely avoids hacking of it's genetic material and mechanism for protein production. So with some clever trick(s) scientists have found way to hack protein production." The viruses use specific molecular tools. The M-RNA vaccines do not have those. Do they just appear out of no where?
I don't know exactly how hacking it done.

Is it hypothetically possible that the m-RNA gets sequenced into the DNA? Yes, in the same way that it is hypothetically possible that when I walk to the bakery on Sunday I get hit by a
{\displaystyle \gamma }
ray generated thousands of light years away, that causes an unfortunate mutation in one of my cells.
There are viruses which already inserted themselves into DNA.

I am more worried about COVID ravaging my lungs.
If flu isn't problem, covid also won't be.