• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

Modern "dating" and relationship "résumés"

Here at Eventful Horizons we know the future can be uncertain. We are a faith and family based company with the mission to help others face the uncertainties of this world. Our goal is to instill the skills, work ethic and Trust in G-d that our forefathers used to forge nation's in the new world. To adapt these lost arts to help the next generation be self sufficient and G-d Reliant. Here at Eventful Horizons we have a policy of bring you children to work with you.

As CEO Im a very hands on with our mission and therefore constantly on the go. We do not refuse aid to any serious request. I am currently looking to expand my company by adding to my support staff. Applicants must disciplined, Spirit filled, energetic, adaptable, and not afraid of the hard work it takes to make a company great.

What is your employment History?
Have you ever self terminated your employment?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Have ever used man made Narcotics?
Are you or have you ever been associated with a socialist or fascist movement?
What is it you seek to accomplish as a member of Eventful Horizons?
What skills do you believe you possess that will benifit Eventful Horizons?
How do you see working for Eventful Horizons benefiting you?
What is your opinion of our policy about children in the work place?
Are you opposed to adding more support staff?
Are you if possible willing to help make new employees for the company?
Are you willing to try and uphold as many of the 613 company regulations as possible?
Do you recognize as CEO there is only one Authority greater than mine?
Do you understand the nature of that greater Authority?
Are you opposed to relocating to a rural location with limited interaction with the outside world other than to further the mission of Eventful Horizons?
Now that's an interestingly worded question that strategically leaves an enormous loophole...
Actually I was trying to leave a loophole for Cannabis. I do not partake of it but I don't care if some else around me does, if done responsibly and in moderation. It only becomes an Issue when it becomes a crutch thats more important than Family and G-d. I do see now that opium slips through that loop hole though. All other other Narcotics are either synthetic or processed therefore man made.
I agree with the loophole, I just found it an interesting addition to your list. By the way, I was just reading an old medical textbook that belonged to my great-great-grandmother to find an alternative treatment for a particular ailment someone in the family has. Following that advice in its entirety would have required leaning heavily on that particular loophole, and be quite illegal these days (it calls for laudanum, google it). We won't be doing that! But my point is that God provided in nature the medication required for even extreme situations.
laudanum, google it
I'm actually familiar with it, my great grandmother Viola wrote it in her Treatment Recipe Book with what it's good for treating, a warning about over use, and how to break its spell should you fall under it.
But my point is that God provided in nature the medication required for even extreme situations.
HE's given us everything we need, it's just a shame that human nature (arrogance) compels us to "improve" HIS works.
20 years ago as a new wife I tried to bake bread....and the dog wouldn't eat the dinner rolls I made!:eek:
Hubby grew up baking bread and tried to teach me o_O....which motivated me to learn without his input!! :cool: I walked down to the library and found "The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book"... a guide to whole grain bread baking, and read and applied and re read the trouble shooting section until I could bake better bread then hubby had EVER had growing up. :D

Just my two cents: that Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book is unbeatable when it comes to becoming a breadmaking aficionado. Haven't done it in years, but back in 1979 it was a lifesaver.
My current application consists of:

Please complete the following sentence.
“No man is going to tell me______________”

You can accertain quite a bit by where their focus goes.

Some of the acceptable answers would be:
the correct way to boil eggs.
what color underwear to wear.
how rare my steak must be cooked.

I had to laugh because I commonly pick the color of her underwear. Lol
If we can get our families to run as economic units again, we will change the world.
Well, our "family business" has been expanding. No new jr partners (children) but the current members continue to mature. We are still super busy as always, and even busier this summer then usual. The work crew is scheduled out and in high demand....largely due to an exceptional reputation for good work. The "pit crew" for the work crew is expanding into new teritory by putting homemade butter and cheese on the menu.
With all we have going on, someone interested in country living and self sufficiency might feel at home here, or be interested in applying for a position.
We can do a lot....but trying to do it all is challenging.
There is always room on the "pit crew" for someone else and with several of our jr partners now adults, a few "permanent positions" are now available. :D:p:rolleyes:

Someone with any of the following skills or even interests would be considered. On site training is available. ;)

Food preparation or preserving.
Livestock husbandry. (Sheep, cows, equines, poultry)
Household management and organization.
Child care/supervision.
Gardening, and orchard management.
Secretarial skills. (Answering the phone, data entry, record keeping)
Musical skills either playing instruments or singing is also appreciated

To qualify for the work crew being able bodied and willing to work for a living is a must. You can cancel gym membership if you choose to do this. The work affords lots of fresh air and exersize.

Accommodations are rustic. Food is old fashioned, very tasty, and largely cooked from scratch.
Wages are based on skill, with plenty of room for advancement and long term benefits for those who commit to stay here into retirement.
Current team members are all politically incorrect, and don't plan on changing that. We rather expect the world to change soon to one more compatible with our kind of peculiarness. Time will tell.

Aditional perks include the fellowship of old fashioned country living folk. Honesty and critical thinking are staples here. Faith is a must.