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My husband is too hot !


Seasoned Member
Real Person
I realize this may sound like a first world problem, how could a husband be too hot right? But he is! I can't get anything done. He walks by and I just descend into a quivering pool of teen like hormones. I wake up hours later and I'm still quivering.

The really hard part is that's it not just one thing I could get desensitized to over time, it's like this all encompassing , unbelievable feeling of awe. It's not even a conventional hotness you could dismiss as cliche. He's hot in so many new and original ways that mere English doesn't have enough words, and there are millions of words in English.

If he wasn't so damn smart I could dismiss him as one dimensional but he's brilliant to boot. I thought his terrible singing would be my escape hatch but it just turns out to be an endearing quirk.

What do I do? It's impossible not to bend to his will just from being over awed by him. I hear other women who talk all about domestic discipline and I can't help but wonder what it's like to still have free will. The only way I could disobey @The Revolting Man was if he told me to.

It's really a moot point . I couldn't live a moment without him or with his displeasure so I'll just keep on being overwhelmed by a man who had to be the template for every great hero, thinker and lover in history. Sigh......
In my opinion....your 'problem' is a direct result of your respect for, and submission to, the man.
It's a blessing that goes with staying in proper relationship. Pretty awesome!! :)

I’m not that great!
If beauty is in the eye if the beholder, your greatness is revealed in your wife's heart toward you.