Thanks for the lively conversation, a lot to catch up on. As I’ve written in the past, I’ve read a lot of the forum, but haven’t participated much. From reading here and my own studies have pieced together a few core principles on this topic, several things I’m still learning or don’t have an opinion about. As for me, I am okay with intimacy between wives, I might even encourage it.
I really appreciate your story, and the warning. I can understand the sentiment of “this will get things started”. I haven’t had to orchestrate anything on my end. I’ve been very patient, as long as there is hope. Maybe that’s why I was so excited, I feel like there’s hope again. It was a serendipitous serious of fortunate events. Vacation, no kids, great and secure in our relationship, dancing, perhaps 1 drink too many, a single girl making the first move.
The bitter and ugly we’ve done and are still capable of. Things have come close in the past to a breakup, and more recently several months ago. A lot of it is revolves around her unhealed trauma, and my stubbornness, and not being loving.
My wife has repeatedly told me of her disinterest of other men (I’ve been her first and only), and how they treat their wives / other women in general. She’s a social butterfly and has a large circle of sisters and female friends. Girls talk, and she’s starting to understand societal impact. Often our disagreements have lead into “you don’t love me, women understand me, you’re turning me to women”. To which I respond, “you don’t have to leave me, take me along for the ride