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Need help refuting the Qumran argument

Quick question for our TK brothers and sisters. Do you guys practice Levirate marriage? I know it isn't something that comes up all that often, but would you if it did?
Few TKs have siblings of like mind re Torah or poly, though @Keith Martin is spot on with discussions we've had in our fellowship. The Deut. 25 passage certainly leaves room for a broader interpretation of 'brother', particularly is the widow's only other options are outside the larger family of Israel.
Few TKs have siblings of like mind re Torah or poly, though @Keith Martin is spot on with discussions we've had in our fellowship. The Deut. 25 passage certainly leaves room for a broader interpretation of 'brother', particularly is the widow's only other options are outside the larger family of Israel.
Thanks for the response. I know this also gets into the subject of the kinsman redeemer, and situations like that of Boaz, Ruth, and Naomi.