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New to pm


New Member
Hello everyone,

I am new and read scriptures regarding pm and I know that it is something that God wants me and my husband to do. We just don't know where or how to begin. By studying the bible, I have learned that this is not my life but Gods and what better thing would God want me to do but to sister another woman and also get the benefit of a friend. :D

The husband definitely has to be the head of the household for this to work, as the bible states "For the husband is the head of the wife", even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body, Ephesians 5:23. Let me tell you about a year ago I did not agree with this at all.

If anyone can provide any assistance on how to move forward please let me know. Thank you.
Welcome Gentry!

As to how you move forward, well you pray about it really. At least, that's what we're doing. Praying and learning more. Good luck!
Welcome and may I suggest that you start by going back to the very earliest postings and read your way forward. There is a lot of good reading that i am sure most people would learn a lot from and receive answers to a lot or questions and be blessed by if they just took the time to read them. Be blessed and hope you find what you seek.