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One Flesh - a biological perspective


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The term "One Flesh" is used frequently in scripture, and is usually interpreted spiritually. It is used as a synonym for "marriage", and seen as some sort of spiritual state that God causes two people to be in when they are married.

I have come to realise that this is the exact opposite of what the text actually says.

Let's examine the text for a minute:
English: One Flesh
Hebrew: echad basar (H259, H1320). Literally "one (united)" "meat".
Greek: heis sarx (G1520, G4561). Literally "one" "meat".

The words "basar" and "sarx" both very explicitly refer to soft bodily tissues - in other words, meat ("flesh"), including the muscle and internal organs. They are both translated "flesh" because it is precisely accurate.

In both Hebrew and Greek, this phrase explicitly states that the soft bodily tissues of the two people become united as one. It is a very physical statement. To spiritualise this, and take it as talking about some spiritual concept instead of a physical one, is to completely throw out the actual text, and substitute it with something entirely different.

In my opinion, the reason we spiritualise this is solely because it is blindingly obvious to us that when two people have sex, they are not instantly physically fused together. They still look like two separate individuals. It therefore makes no logical sense to us that they would now be physically one - our senses tell us that they are still physically two.

So, lacking the faith to believe the plain words of God, and instead believing our own physical senses to be more accurate than God, we throw away the plain meaning of what He said and substitute our own human logic, making up new meanings that seem more plausible to us. We ultimately claim that the two have become "spiritually one" in some way. We keep using the words "one flesh" to describe this but we assign an entirely different meaning to those words.

Here is a radical proposal: What if God was actually speaking the truth accurately, and we simply lacked the scientific knowledge to understand it?

In the last couple of decades, biology has revealed many things about what happens when a man and woman "cleave together" sexually. To recognise the significance of these discoveries you must keep in mind the fact that the human body contains as many cells of microorganisms (such as bacteria and fungi) as it does human cells. And these microorganisms are essential for our bodies. They are a part of our bodies, and our bodies would not function without them (digestion for instance is virtually entirely done by microbes). They are collectively called the "microbiome"

  1. When a couple have sex, microorganisms are exchanged between the penis and the vagina, so the microbes living on the genitals of a couple become strongly related to each other since they are exchanged so frequently. They are related so closely that some scientific papers refer to them collectively as "the seminovaginal microbiome".
  2. We also have many microorganisms living in our mouths, both beneficial and harmful. Intimate kissing obviously means that saliva moves from one persons mouth to the other. Couples have more similar bacteria in their mouths to each other than to other people, and the more frequently a couple kisses the more similar their oral microbiome.
    The oral microbiome is swallowed into the gut and may affect the gut microbiome.
  3. People who have anal sex (mainly homosexual men) also exchange microbes between their penis and their partners gut. Some recent research suggests that this changes the microbiome of the gut, and could make homosexual men more susceptible to disease.
  4. The microbiome in your gut can even affect how you think. This is called the brain-gut-microbiome axis, and is a topic of active research. As one paper states: "Although research has demonstrated that the gut microbiota can impact upon cognition and a variety of stress-related behaviours, including those relevant to anxiety and depression, we still do not know how this occurs."
That's all from research that has been conducted within the last 10 years. This is a very new field of knowledge and the above statements only scratch the surface. Expect far more discoveries over the next few years.

As sex and kissing change your microbiome, and the microbiome affects everything, even how you think, it is possible that sex and kissing could change almost anything about you! We just haven't discovered the details yet.

In other words, sex causes the soft tissues of a man and woman to become more and more similar over time. Or, you could say, they literally become "one flesh".
After pondering that for some time, scripture makes a lot more sense.

Genesis 2:24 says "When a man leaves his father and mother and becomes intimate with his wife, his and her soft tissues become united with each other."

Matthew 19:5-6 says "When a man and woman have become united in this way, it is God who has joined them together [as He designed the whole system to work that way], and they should not be separated."

1 Corinthians 6:15-16 says "When you have sex with a harlot, your physical body is physically changed to be one with the harlot's body. Should you seriously do that to your body, when it is part of the body of Christ? That's gross and completely inappropriate."

The take-home message is that sex is really serious. It's not something you can just do with someone for a bit of fun and forget about. It actually changes you - even though you mightn't be able to see that. Even if you live 3000 years ago and don't know microorganisms or even cells exist, trust God, it does change you even though you can't see it. So don't sleep around.
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This is a very interesting perspective! What do you think this means in a Bible-based polygynous way of life?
It means you become one physical flesh with your wives. And, by extension, they're going to end up becoming more similar to each other simply through contact with you. Also, each new wife could actually affect everybody in the family, because they will bring influences that ultimately flow through all.

It's interesting to consider children also, because it shows how the microbiome is influenced by a lot more than just sex. When a child is born, their microbiome will be dictated by their mother's. Over time after birth, especially after they quit breastfeeding, their microbiome will develop in different directions as they are exposed to different influences. But you'd still expect a family, living together, to have comparable microbiomes.

But then when that child leaves his/her father and mother and physically unites with their spouse, a major physical change will occur as they not only draw closer physically to their spouse, but in so doing diverge further physically from their parents. This gives even greater meaning to the "leave father and mother" part of the equation.
After pondering that for some time, scripture makes a lot more sense.

Genesis 2:24 says "When a man leaves his father and mother and becomes intimate with his wife, his and her soft tissues become united with each other."

Matthew 19:5-6 says "When a man and woman have become united in this way, it is God who has joined them together [as He designed the whole system to work that way], and they should not be separated."

1 Corinthians 6:15-16 says "When you have sex with a harlot, your physical body is physically changed to be one with the harlot's body. Should you seriously do that to your body, when it is part of the body of Christ? That's gross and completely inappropriate."

The take-home message is that sex is really serious. It's not something you can just do with someone for a bit of fun and forget about. It actually changes you - even though you mightn't be able to see that. Even if you live 3000 years ago and don't know microorganisms or even cells exist, trust God, it does change you even though you can't see it. So don't sleep around.
Awesome Samuel, thank you.
Thanks for sharing this, Samuel. This is really fascinating!
Excellent! Love it!

Can you take these posts and develop them into a paper? I'd love to share it w credits!
Thought that hit me... because a man and woman share t-cell immunity and other similar health positives, are plural families healthier in the long run due to more 'shared' immunities in the family? Would seem so, but a scientific study would be fascinating.
The biological process you describe is quite amazing and definitely brings families together in likeness. The whole tribe would have even more like gut bacteria through sharing the same foods as well.

That said, I was thinking after taking my probiotic today - that my relationship to my gut bacteria seems more symbiotic. It's extremely symbiotic in that separating the billions and billions of them from me seems impossible, however I am still not that bacteria. If I were to go on heavy antibiotics, the bacteria would all but be wiped out, but I'd still be one and one with my woman.

To that physical meshing - I think science will eventually show that a female carries inside of her the genome of any man that has ever known her biblically (condom side trail will be ignored here). Quite significant that in some super advanced society you could 'genetically take a man out of' any woman with more than one life sexual partner, which is the opposite of something I can think of that sounds quite familiar from the creation stories. I remember in the article where they studied this in flies, the DNA from the previous male was even though to effect the genetic outcomes of the subsequent fathers sons. Who knows the implications there, I suppose we will find out one day.

I've always thought that on the most literal level its children, as that is a literal genetic splice.

But I sincerely think, and feel, that the 'two shall become one flesh' statement is one of the most layered statements in scripture and that's why it gets wrapped up in so many adverse places in the stories that make up the beautiful book. We go from beautiful betrothed brides to adulterous harlots and its obvious that this subject is important. Women are being pursued in Scripture, it's about God finding us and bringing us into his fold. We could just as easily start a thread where we could articulate all the amazing sorts of ways that two can become one.

I've also noticed that a healthy dose of the witness and presence of the Spirit is useful in making whatever are legitimate marriages....legitimate:
Isaiah 54:6,
Malachi 2:15,
Hosea 1:2 (command = Spirit led),
Psalm 127 & 128,
Act 5:1-11,
Prov 18:22,19:14, and 31:10 together seem to point to the Spirit being involved in bringing a real catch.

So, to me, the process of becoming `one flesh` most certainly has to be layered. Its not that God authors confusion in those layers, as much as that he is able to bring unity out of diversity. Structure from Chaos. Proof from the dust of the worlds attempt to bury his Word over thousands of years.

Ideally we are born knowing and the truth is obvious to us, in reality we are born in sin and truth has to be pursued. In the mean time the adversity has done a good job of hiding a lot of the greatest things, but obviously our Elohim meant it for good and really truth can't be hidden forever. But in the end they are like archeological levels uncovering evidence in the grander truths from the themes of scripture.
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Can you take these posts and develop them into a paper?
I copied parts of that post out of a sex-ed book I am busy writing for my children (and need to get back to and finish), that I'd like to publish eventually. But you're right, it's worth making a standalone article.
To that physical meshing - I think science will eventually show that a female carries inside of her the genome of any man that has ever known her biblically (condom side trail will be ignored here). Quite significant that in some super advanced society you could 'genetically take a man out of' any woman with more than one life sexual partner, which is the opposite of something I can think of that sounds quite familiar from the creation stories. I remember in the article where they studied this in flies, the DNA from the previous male was even though to effect the genetic outcomes of the subsequent fathers sons. Who knows the implications there, I suppose we will find out one day.
Oh, there is definitely that aspect also. I was going to mention that but the detail is a bit more complex than the media simplification most people have read, so takes some explanation, and I decided the post had already become long enough. But since you mentioned it, here's my take on it:

Microchimerism - male cells living in a woman

Women commonly have male cells living in their body, forming part of their body. Male cells have even been found in the brains of women. This is called "microchimerism".

The main source of these cells is believed to be leftover cells from their own male babies - a few cells from the child somehow migrate into the mother and keep living in her body. However, they have also been discovered in women who have never had male children, or who have only had very early pregnancies that have been lost through miscarriage or abortion (they may actually be more common in women who have had abortions).


Many people have falsely thought that this research means "women carry DNA from every man they have ever had sex with". This is not true (or rather, it is not known to be true). But what we do know is that women do carry DNA from at least some of the men they have had sex with, and probably because whenever she becomes pregnant, even if the baby is miscarried or aborted, some of the cells from that baby move into her own body.

Presumably a woman carries cells from both her male and female children, male cells are just more easily detected by researchers as they are obviously different to her own female cells. Half the DNA in these cells is from the father.

It is possible that a man's DNA ends up in a woman's body through different means also, but that has not been determined yet. We only know that male DNA does end up in a woman's body somehow, and the above explanation is the most probable way that it does.

So sex causes pregnancy, and pregnancy changes a woman's body permanently.

Again, we do not know what the actual effect of this is on a woman, but it is clear that her body is changed by sex.

Scientists have recently showed that previous sexual partners can affect the offspring of flies - baby flies can have characteristics from a previous male fly that mated with their mother, not just from their own father. At this stage it is unknown whether the same effect occurs in people. This is a topic of current and future research.

That said, I was thinking after taking my probiotic today - that my relationship to my gut bacteria seems more symbiotic. It's extremely symbiotic in that separating the billions and billions of them from me seems impossible, however I am still not that bacteria. If I were to go on heavy antibiotics, the bacteria would all but be wiped out, but I'd still be one and one with my woman.
What are you then? Strange but serious question.

If you had an accident and cut off your hand, would you still be you? Would you still be one with your woman? If so, does that mean your relationship with your hand is only symbiotic, and your hand is not you?

What about if you have a haircut?

Over the past couple of centuries people gradually discovered DNA, and then figured out that it carried genetic information. Since then we have all been taught that we are those cells that carry our DNA. But don't assume this to be absolute truth just because it was the state of science when you went through high school. Science is a constantly growing field. We are now learning that view was simplistic, and you are much more complex than just that.
Thought that hit me... because a man and woman share t-cell immunity and other similar health positives, are plural families healthier in the long run due to more 'shared' immunities in the family? Would seem so, but a scientific study would be fascinating.
@PeteR has discovered the cure to covid-19 - polygamy! :)

In the light of that, I shall announce a job vacancy for a covid-recovered woman as an additional wife for myself, in order to bring her immunity characteristics into my household!
@PeteR has discovered the cure to covid-19 - polygamy! :)

In the light of that, I shall announce a job vacancy for a covid-recovered woman as an additional wife for myself, in order to bring her immunity characteristics into my household!
Don't think that wasn't part of my thought process... lol! Excellent application!
If you had an accident and cut off your hand, would you still be you? Would you still be one with your woman? If so, does that mean your relationship with your hand is only symbiotic, and your hand is not you?

I’m gonna say if I lost a hand I’d still be me but my hand would now be ‘ungrafted’ to me so at that point it’s dead. I use that language to shift the metaphor a bit. At one point my hand was capable of worship, service, love, etc through obedience to my head and connection to my body. Those bacteria on the other hand are mostly interested in living off stuff in my gut and I can’t seem to do much with them other than make some interestingly timed hot air releases. My body that’s connected to my hand, it’s adapted to benefitting from those bacteria, but it’s still my body and they are still those bacteria to me.

Now my hand could feed my body better food and I’d make better bacteria and my whole system could benefit, but it would be because my hand fed my body something good and they benefit too.

Over the past couple of centuries people gradually discovered DNA, and then figured out that it carried genetic information. Since then we have all been taught that we are those cells that carry our DNA.

You could spin out 100 different folks with identical DNA and I think you’d definitely get something radically different 100x. So I agree here. What would be interesting to see if is their stomach microbiome would be different or similar. I think if similar it would be evidence to your point. Have they studied siblings with different diets?

What about if you have a haircut?

Since it has to be cut off and since I can think of a few places hair is important in scripture I’ll say it’s a part of the body too until it’s not….but it is fascinating to me that it’s a dead thing that stays connected to your flesh until you trim it away.

I’ve never thought of my internal ecology as ‘me’ but I’m getting it in concept. If an organism in me that is beneficial it’s ‘me’, if it’s parasitic or a disease it’s not me? It raises many other questions for sure. Obviously with all the dietary laws God cared about gut microbiome to some degree.
Those bacteria on the other hand are mostly interested in living off stuff in my gut and I can’t seem to do much with them other than make some interestingly timed hot air releases.
I think you're minimising this because you are still seeing the microbiome as "just" gut organisms digesting stuff for you. In reality, microbes live basically everywhere in your body. The gut is the most well-studied, so it's the one we all know about and even actively try to boost (with probiotics). The skin, mouth and vagina also have extremely complex and important microbial communities, and have been studied extensively. Which is why alcohol-based hand washes are bad for instance, they kill off the beneficial microflora of the skin. But all these communities are surface - outside the body itself (even the gut is outside the body proper). There are also microbes living throughout your body, but these are far less well studied as they're far more difficult to investigate. It will take many decades for these to be well understood.

One area of active research is the microbiome of the blood. This is still a heavily debated topic, but some researchers are concluding that there is a natural community of bacteria that live in the blood and may have important roles in your body. So far researchers are only at the stage of characterising what this community is, they have not yet worked out what its role is. One of the initial discoveries so far is that the blood microbiome is more closely associated with the skin and oral microbiomes than with the gut microbiome - it appears that bacteria move from the mouth and skin (and presumably also the vagina, not mentioned in that paper) into the blood. That is very interesting, as it suggests that since kissing & sex alter the oral and vaginal microbiome, they might also alter the blood.

Scripturally, the life is in the blood. So, from a Biblical perspective, if there is a microbial community in the blood of healthy humans, with a role in sustaining health, that microbial community is part of you - part of your "flesh". So sex and kissing can change your flesh.

I really am not talking just about bugs in your gut digesting food and making you fart. Though they are a very important part of it all.

Real science shows us what we don't know more than it shows what we do. There is so much more to learn about God's creation.
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