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Oregon’s new gun laws that make NZ’s look tame

The worst part about that law though is the liability for crimes committed with a stolen firearm. That's a serious problem.

Yeah you get to be a victim, twice, in that scenario.

As far as how bad the law is, remember that’s just one of them. There are somewhere between half a dozen to a dozen other bills that have all kinds of other narly stuff in them, that cover all the other bases. They’ve been adding Amendments to each of them In the middle of the night and they’ve been cramming them through committees without them even being read etc. etc. The craziest part is that nobody seems to be aware of it. Usually all the gun owners are up in arms about any gun laws the legislature is discussing, but for some reason most of the people I’ve talked to about it had no idea what is going on.
Don't know if any of you is actually considering leaving the west coast, but if that's even a possibility, take a look at the attached pdf/e-book. Then let's start planning that party!

