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Pilegesh, anyone?

The sores on the head and the baldness reminds me of the passage that talks about a woman divorced being shorn. A woman who had her head covered (by hair or scarf) who is then shorn to embarrass her as a symbol of being cast out or her covering removed would no doubt have at least sunburn or something if it wasn’t some form of razor burn or having her head shorn with a dull knife. OUCH.

Perhaps these "haughty" women with their jewelry are walking around after multiple divorces. No one has shorn their heads after their divorce(s). They are confident because their culture supports them as the master of their own ship, not bound by any man or by God's law.

Then God shows up to judge. He or, more likely, law honoring men sent by God come and shave their heads. Many other acts of judgement occur. The culture recognizes the judgement and now these women are exposed to public shame which may be removed by an outward display of repentance by submitting themselves to a God honoring husband. Maybe there aren't too many God fearing men (the ranks get thinned during judgement as often happens). So now we have seven previously glamorous women per man who show up with their lesion laden heads saying "please we dont want your money just take away our reproach" and yes maybe by "take away our reproach" they are also implying that that will bear his children.
I think all y’all are over-thinking it.
When anyone is out of YHWH’s order, it should be considered a reproach (shame) to them. (The enemy has done a number on the elimination of shame, it doesn’t seem to exist anymore, choose your own gender, sexual orientation, god that you worship, it is not supposed to matter anymore.)
His order is that women be with a righteous man. Period.
They realize their haughty attitude and choose to change their circumstances. There aren’t that many righteous men, so they choose to share one.

Read the passage in its context, it details a narcissistic society morphing into one that is righteous and beautiful, and recognizing that some things are actually shameful seems to be the turning point.
Been watching this with interest. Hoping someone will tackle defining and explaining from Scripture this 'reproach.' The phrase in my head is 'it is shameful for a woman to be uncovered.' I am not sure how or why that is what keeps playing, but it is the core problem that is solved by 'covering' or taking his name...

Anyone got answers or a place to start?

Modern feminism seems to regard submission as shameful, so this is the reversal, but how to really buttress with Scripture?

The trend towards Islam in most of the world makes me think it’s related to that... single women don’t do well in Islamic culture...
Here's another connection I hadn't made before:

1) Given the state of these women, it's no wonder that the 144,000 Israelites of Revelation are virgins.

2) 144,000 virgin men implies a lot of unmarried women.