If you teach your child not to steal, then they see an opportunity to steal but choose not to:
- Did they choose not to of their own free will?
- Or did they choose not to only because you had conditioned / influenced / trained them to make that decision because you have told them it would be wrong?
- If you knew with 100% certainty that you could trust them not to steal, because of their good upbringing, so already knew the outcome, are they no longer free?
I think this is what
@Cap means by seeing this from multiple perspectives. From the child's perspective, they had free will and chose not to steal, and it was a difficult choice for them. From your perspective however, you knew with near-certainty what their decision would be - and you also know that you could have trained them to make the other decision (many children are intentionally trained to be opportunistic thieves), and been equally certain they would have made that decision also.
Also, had you simply chosen to withdraw your support and protection from that child soon after birth, you'd have massively increased the likelihood they'd have chosen to steal - simply by choosing not to actively train them, and leaving them needing to fend for themself. Is this not what God does with those people who choose not to follow Him - He simply withdraws His active support, and the end result is then predetermined (from His perspective) even though it's still their choice to make and even though He did nothing to actually train them to sin?