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Pope Francis excommicates Paul (Babylon Bee)

Ignorant liar. I've got two copies, different publishers, sitting right here on my shelf.

Why aren't you catholic? You issue decrees like they do.

Enough already. Because like a pope-worshipper, there's no point in arguing with you.

You have Hebrew translations of the Greek. You can’t use those to “correct” the Greek.
Says someone who rejects His Scripture as Written, and censors those who even try to talk about it.

This will come as a shock to you, but there are actually people who might read this thread that are capable of looking at the evidence, including one of the foremost translators available, in Nehemiah Gordon (who I have known and respected - far more than you - and even taught with for years) and are capable of reading the evidence and actually DECIDING for themselves.

I say again - enough already. I'm happy to respond to those who choose to read the evidence, and have questions. But not the same scoffing BS ad nauseum from you.
Says someone who rejects His Scripture as Written, and censors those who even try to talk about it.
And this is baseless slander, yet one more ina long line of emotional tantrums you lash out with any time someone points how little sense you make.

You freely admit that there are no Hebrew Scriptures older than 900 A.D. But somehow you’ll use them to say that scripture has been inaccurate for 2000 years u til you and an unbeliever fixed it.

And who is it that doesn’t believe God’s Word as written?
I got to here, and asked myself the question I always do before moderating: "Will this be useful to anyone finding BF Forum in the future?" So soon I'm going to roll this thread back to where it was just about the Bee article, and the RCC.

I will not lock the thread yet, in case some want to bring it back to those original topics.

I will leave this CARM take on Gordon and the supposed Hebrew Matthew here until I clean it up: https://carm.org/preachers-and-teachers/nehemia-gordon/

Consider this a semicolon in this thread, and let's move on.
FYI, Nathan, the point of Matthew 23:2 was the SAME as that claimed by the RCC and the "throne of St. Peter," as like unto the "seat of Moses."

They - the RCC, AND the Pharisees, claim authority they do not have (and in the former case does NOT EXIST) in order to get people to "observe and do" something different from Scripture. From an authority that, without question, in BOTH cases, is NOT the Messiah Himself, by whatever Name.

And I read your link. While I disagree with the author, having known Nehemiah, and his associates, like Baptist evangelical minister Keith Johnson, and Jono Vandor, and Michael Rood, etc.) I find that it is significantly more accurate, and actually quotes the source, than the defamatory screed above.

And I continue to urge those who seek to "rightly divide the Word," to read his take on the translations, and issues with the original Hebrew, for themselves.
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