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Had to go to another hospital. They are taking it more seriously. Even patients in the waiting room were getting up set and going to nurses for me. They helped me carry him to the car. He cannot walk.
In moments like this, I wish I had a sw. My other two kids are at home alone. My daughter is almost 15, but she has epilepsy and I can't leave them there all night without an adult. I am calling around and can't find anyone to go over there. Please pray I find someone. I can't go home right now. Please pray if I can't find someone that they will be okay. Gabriel knows what to do for his sister but I would feel better to have someone else there.
My heart is hurting for you! Praying!
Hi everyone! Oh my last night was trying and it really tested my resolve. No meningitis, but he does have strep. I wanted Nathan so bad last night to help me take care of some difficult people situations. We just so happened to get the doctor with a god complex and you all probably know what that is like. Usually Nathan takes care of those situations, but he's not here so I have to put on my big girl panties and not be afraid to stand up and advocate for my children. I am small in frame and my voice is very much like that of a little girl. I don't pick fights and I don't like to argue. I don't like attention brought to myself because I don't understand the emotions attached to such attention and therefore it gives me great anxiety; so honestly, I like hiding behind my unassuming appearance and I like people to misjudge me as not knowing much because I am left alone to do my own thing without expectation for performance etc. I usually tell Nathan what needs to be said to the doctors because I have more knowledge in this area than he does, and then let him do the speaking. However, in these situations I have to remind myself that I am not an uneducated, simple minded woman. I am expected to use all of my capabilities and speak. It was hard for me. The doctor, I think, had other issues going on because he would go on tangents telling me about his son's condition. It was a strange doctor and I can tell the nurses were uncomfortable with his behavior. When he mentioned his son's TBI and said, "I am sure you probably need me to explain what TBI stands for", it was all I could do to keep myself from blurting out, "No sir, I work in a medical research facility in the neurosensory lab so I am probably more equipped to explain TBI to you." Of course I didn't do that because acting like him would have gone no where and I am not one that likes to get into power struggles. However, I felt degraded and like I was being ignored. The nurse told me to request another doctor. I did and the new doctor was wonderful and ran the needed tests and now my son is on antibiotics because he did have a bacterial infection. The other doc wasn't even going to do blood work or cultures!!! I am tired, so tired.