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Question about slavery in the Bible

It's an important issue to deal with when it is raised as an objection in a theological debate, as it was for @NBTX11. There it is theoretical, but not just something to argue about, it raises issues of how we interpret and apply scripture which are relevant to other issues. So this is a discussion with a practical point.
If given the opportunity to own a slave, Would you? (General ask of everybody)
That on the other hand is an entirely pointless question given that slavery is illegal where all of us live, so it would be "a moot point and just something to argue about".
It's an important issue to deal with when it is raised as an objection in a theological debate, as it was for @NBTX11. There it is theoretical, but not just something to argue about, it raises issues of how we interpret and apply scripture which are relevant to other issues. So this is a discussion with a practical point.

That on the other hand is an entirely pointless question given that slavery is illegal where all of us live, so it would be "a moot point and just something to argue about".
Slavery IS illegal, i agree. But then so is polygamy. These are both allowed per scripture but no one is encouraging slavery. Tell me the "PRACTICAL" point. Ought someone start a "biblicalslavery.org" group?
Slavery IS illegal, i agree. But then so is polygamy. These are both allowed per scripture but no one is encouraging slavery. Tell me the "PRACTICAL" point. Ought someone start a "biblicalslavery.org" group?
I don’t see how you can seriously compare them.

But if you want to start that group I’ll need more popcorn.
Slavery IS illegal, i agree. But then so is polygamy. These are both allowed per scripture but no one is encouraging slavery. Tell me the "PRACTICAL" point. Ought someone start a "biblicalslavery.org" group?
Polygamy is not illegal, as you know, the state just only allows you to formally register one marriage at a time.

Slavery on the other hand is entirely illegal, and obviously no registration of slaves is permissible at all. This is an entirely different situation.

The debate will however frequently come up with people who make this sort of false equivalence between slavery and polygamy, and need to be discussed theoretically as part of Christian apologetics.
Polygamy is not illegal, as you know, the state just only allows you to formally register one marriage at a time.

Slavery on the other hand is entirely illegal, and obviously no registration of slaves is permissible at all. This is an entirely different situation.
Good points, thanks Samuel. It would be worthwhile to keep this is mind when such a discussion is brought up.
Slavery IS illegal, i agree. But then so is polygamy.
Wrong. Polygyny is NOT "illegal."

It's just "illegal" to have more than one licensed State-defined 'wife' (of any sex, or multiple genders.) Any doubts, just ask if the First Amendment still applies to you.

Those distinctions matter.

Likewise, only UN-licensed slavery is "illegal." Big Brother (internationally even) always can have all the slaves it wants.
Distinctions DO matter. When the interest rate on your credit card is 30% then slavery has assumed a new name. What's in YOUR wallet?
In a few months time frame your new cell phone originally costing $1000 now has consumed $2000 of your budget or more!