People who have come to understand that we have been lied to by 'the church' concerning what MARRIAGE is
should find it less threatening than others to realize that the meaning of a word like "marriage" is
hardly the only thing we have been lied to about.
That is why, I contend, Jer. 16:19-20 prophesies that we will one day, and indeed now ARE coming from the "ends of the earth" to proclaim that we have inherited lies from our fathers; teachings from false gods which are (charitably) "
Even more ominous, however, to those with "eyes to see" are the MULTIPLE warnings of Isaiah 66, which are and will be revealed to us in these days! Deception, bondage, and exile are not new, and they are certainly not unique to some presumed "dispensation". Fruit follows seed.
And Kefa (aka "Peter") also warned that the writings of our "beloved brother" Shaul would be twisted "by the unlearned and untaught" (as they do "the rest of Scripture...unto their own destruction". II Peter 3:15-16)
For those who are willing to read what the Word actually SAYS - as opposed to what "you have HEARD it said" - this, too, is "not too hard for you." To demonstrate the process, substitute one idolatrous pagan concept for another. Here is an example -- again from Paul, as 'wrested' in this very thread - of how it can work. The trick is to understand how the Adversary, and those who serve him, or can be deceived by him as Eve was, twists the meaning of words. It is indeed part of the reason why I contend strongly that unless we are willing to "study for ourselves" what the words mean IN THE ORIGINAL TEXT, in context, we, too can and will be deceived. After all, if "even the elect" can be so deceived, how much more so those who won't even turn from eating "abominations" like the pig and the mouse - much less trying to "teach others to do so" (Matthew 5:17-19).
Consider this:
"I am fully convinced that no marriage is unclean in itself."
Hey, doesn't Hebrews say "the marriage bed is NOT defiled"? That MUST mean that every MARRIAGE that WE decide to call "marriage" is OK!
(Just like every union that WE decide to call "NOT marriage" is Verboten! That is, of course, why the Almighty State is given license to prohibit, and utterly destroy, that "which God has joined together", no doubt.)
I can assure you that the man who wrote that line would not have called a so-called "civil union" of gay men a "marriage" any more than he would have called pig flesh "food". BOTH were called abomination, and Paul knew that! Those who "wrest" his words, in order to "add to" and "subtract from" what is Written do likewise.
Paul was a consummate Torah scholar. He KNEW, because he knew that "all Scripture" is not only "breathed of Yah" but because the Savior confirmed that NOT the tiniest bit of it was to be "done away with", that things which YHVH DID NOT CREATE to be FOOD were simply NOT food! (Would you eat vomit or dog excrement if someone called it 'food'? It almost certainly won't kill you immediately, and might have some nourishment, even.)
Paul knew better. He advised those who wanted to be "like the Bereans" to study for themselves, so they would have
discernment. After all, isn't "Moses taught in every synagogue, every Sabbath, in every city." (Acts 15:21,
in context!) Once those "whom Yah has cleansed" (from the gentiles) get a handle on the "four minimum conditions" to get through the door, they can
learn the rest! Just like the Savior advised in John 14:15, Paul EXPECTED those who knew what their "reasonable service" was to study, not to "reject knowledge". (Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 66, AND so on!)
The point is simple, for those with "eyes to see". YHVH created the world, He created us, and He designed us to eat what He called "food". (If someone who couldn't design a car, repair one, or even bother to "read the owner's manual" tells you that sugar water is great "food" for your car -- after all, YOU can put it in your mouth and swallow it -- would you believe them?) On the day that Yahushua gave Himself for us, and for our sin of rebellion to Him -- did our "old bodies" get changed? Did the bodies of pigs or shellfish change? He evidently made them to be the "garbage recyclers" of His creation - on land and sea. Did THAT change? (Science is STILL learning what Scripture gave us hints about thousands of years ago, even. Did you know that the reason the VAST majority of human pandemics come originally from swine is because our DNA is so similar to the pig that most viruses which attack pig cells readily "jump the species barrier" and, unlike cows, or goats, or sheep, then easily infect US? Or that swine's flesh is full of enzymes to do the job of digesting dead things? Science has given them names, "putrescene" and "cadaverene". Yummy.)
The claim that God changes His mind in some "dispensations" is just such a lie; at least, if you believe Him when He says He "changes not", and is the same "yesterday, today, and always." Yes, certain things are sealed from view until the 'end' (as both Yahuchanan, aka "John", and DanYaEl were told). After all, nations have, and do, go into bondage when they deny Him and His Truth. But, "
[It is] the glory of Elohim to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings to search out a matter." (Psalms 25:2) So search already, especially if we intend to be "kings and priests" for Him!
Don't be fooled, folks. Whether we LIKE the fact that "male and female He created us", and that He gave us His "teaching and understanding" (pronounced 'torah' in the Hebrew) about how His creation works, so that we could "
choose life", and walk in "
blessing", rather than "
cursing" -- the things He told us STILL APPLY! After all, "
heaven and earth" STILL exist, and so do rainbows! Indeed, our Savior said so OVER AND OVER AGAIN, in spite of the attempts of fallen men to claim otherwise, and twist His Word:
Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations.
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear: but they did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. -- Isaiah 66:3-4