Off topic, but since this is for random subjects...
Have there been any threads dealing with female bisexual activity? I would be interested in perusing them. I know that some of y'all consider that acceptable behavior and would be interested in the reasoning behind that view.
I'm sure it has been discussed before, but I didn't see a thread.
I understand that female bisexuality isn't explicitly prohibited in the Bible the way that male homosexuality is. I do however believe it to be wrong, but think that it is somehow less offensive to God than male homosexuality.
It seems like less of a violation against patriarchy.
While the Bible may not specifically prohibit female bisexuality, I can't think of anywhere that the Bible endorses it.
This is very different than polygyny. The Bible clearly approved of the polygyny of Jacob, David, and Joash. Moreover the Bible is literally chocked full of examples of polygyny and simply treats it as marriage.
We have no recorded examples of female bisexuality. It is contrary to the created order, as the woman was made for the man. Lesbianism also seems to be addressed very negatively in Romans 1.
Basically, I believe it to be wrong, but I respect y'all and imagine that you likely have some support for your view. I would try to hear it with an open mind.
I suppose I would also throw threesome's in with this. That doesn't seem like proper conduct. It just seems like a porn fantasy. I don't see the patriarchs and heroes of the Faith doing that sort of thing.
The Bible doesn't directly prohibit me from sniffing glue bottles either, but doing so is stupid, dangerous, and unproductive.
Also, please pardon my abrasiveness.

The smiley face means please don't get mad and chew me up too much. Thanks