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Ridicule on forum

That’s all very insightful analysis; except it’s all completely wrong. One post was deleted because it claimed that following “ceremonial law” was ALWAYS a failure. The other was deleted because it was a response to a then deleted comment and no longer made sense.

The thing about deleted comments is that they get deleted; so as a general rule no one knows what gets deleted. You have no idea if all sides are being treated fairly. You do not see what happens to all sides.

You hear about what happens to Mark because he squawks so loud and so long. You don’t know about any of the rest of it and you shouldn’t. The whole reason we moderate is so that the regular forum readers do not have to deal with the unpleasantness.

On that score I’ve failed. I have allowed the unpleasantness to just morph into criticism of me. I tried to not moderate that since it seemed self serving but the end result was that there was just as much unpleasantness and then I fell into the trap of defending myself and Mark instantly launched back into his pet project of pushing this theological stances on everyone else.

This failure stings a little bit. I should have just ignored his sniping as the ineffectual mewling that it is. I will be returning to that policy immediately. I am adding a new rule to the arbitrary censorship regime though @Mark C , from now on any post accusing anyone of being a Nazi will need to be accompanied with reasonable proof that they are in fact a card carrying member of the National Socialist party or it too will be deleted.

I apologize to everyone for allowing the inmate to run the asylum. It will not happen again.
I wouldn't say all completely wrong, even though the details were somewhat off kilter you actually proved my point. The statement / doctrine about the ceremonial law ALWAYS being a failure is not a new or original viewpoint and it is quite a common thought. The response dealt with it and the discussion had moved on, it was not personal on both sides but there was no value in deleting it either.

I restate what I said again

Too heavy handed. Too fast.

Also to even equate allude or mention anyone being called a nazi with a comment about ceremonial law being worthy of deletion is a stretch to say the least.

Being incorrect is not always equal to being unpleasant

Anyways thanks for the response

Maybe, but I note that everyone is mad at me and not each other. That’s a vast improvement over what was happening.

Oh, I so know how you feel. I've been there so many times before!

Just one more member required for the tiny violin trio.

People being mad at you for whatever reason is part and parcel of leadership and indeed patriarchy at times. Suck it up, deal with the matter and keep on moving.

Just for the record @The Revolting Man I ain't mad at ya... so that's not everyone, should you delete your on post ? I jest... of course not
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the discussion had moved on,
The discussion never moves on. That’s why it’s being moved out.
times. Suck it up, deal with the matter and keep on moving.
Funny, the first time I heard that phrase it was being bellowed in to my face by a drill instructor; except the exact wording was, “Suck it up, drink water.” In others words endure, the opposite of move on. What exactly is your level of masculinity that you have any credibility to talk to other men that way? You’re not even accurately reflecting my statement since I said it was a good thing everyone was mad at me. How about you suck it up and move on? You’re the one complaining…
What exactly is your level of masculinity that you have any credibility to talk to other men that way?
Lol... pray tell, what is this masculinity measuring guide you are referring to, is it an international scale, is it based on the fact you were in the armed forces or is it a figment of your imagination of me or what you think you know about me?

Like I said before, you're a funny guy.

You’re not even accurately reflecting my statement since I said it was a good thing everyone was mad at me.
I know exactly you were saying but why mention it because it wasn't accurate, as I said..

Just for the record @The Revolting Man I ain't mad at ya...

And as for..
How about you suck it up and move on? You’re the one complaining…
Yep I listed my observations, now I am responding to you, if I am not meant to observe comment or complain or if what I have said is out of line then you know what to do, you are well acquainted with the delete button, do your thing.

I'm obviously not the only one who is not happy with what has gone on thus far, as per the thread that we are communicating on now, wherein you are mentioned in the original post, after I had addressed this in another thread....

And here...

Zec, I love you brother, but you’ve gone too far too many times.
You even hold your hands up...

So chill, relax, it is shabbat, you obviously by your own admission haven't been at your best and hopefully we see a better reflection of you going forward.

Regardless of what anyone says you were selected to be a mod, so those who chose you must see something in you that means you're worthy, prove them right rather than going toe to toe with the community you were selected to serve.

Shabbat shalom Love and Blessings enjoy your day.
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Lol... pray tell, what is this masculinity measuring guide you are referring to, is it an international scale, is it based on the fact you were in the armed forces or is it a figment of your imagination of me or what you think you know about me?

Like I said before, you're a funny guy.

I know exactly you were saying but why mention it because it wasn't accurate, as I said..

And as for..

Yep I listed my observations, now I am responding to you, if I am not meant to observe comment or complain or if what I have said is out of line then you know what to do, you are well acquainted with the delete button, do your thing.

I'm obviously not the only one who is not happy with what has gone on thus far, as per the thread that we are communicating on now, wherein you are mentioned in the original post, after I had addressed this in another thread....

And here...

You even hold your hands up...

So chill, relax, it is shabbat, you obviously by your own admission haven't been at your best and hopefully we see a better reflection of you going forward.

Regardless of what anyone says you were selected to be a mod, so those who chose you must see something in you that means you're worthy, prove them right rather
So you’re a funny guy too huh?
AI is not actually intelligent - it is code that is designed to make outputs that look intelligent, by copying the sorts of things that intelligent people would say. And it can most certainly do that. If someone posted that sort of content on this forum, the only thing that would make you really suspicious would be how well organised it is into bullet points - it doesn't sound like a forum post. So, I then asked ChatGPT "Please answer the last question in 3-5 paragraphs of text, not bullet points." And it gave me this, which is a perfectly reasonable forum post.
Actually, all the code does, is make it possible for the AI machine to be able to learn. Its intelligence is derived from a combination of its neural network infrastructure, and the training that it receives. The issues that we are seeing from AI, come from the people who were assigned to train it. Garbage in/Garbage out. The way the training works, is that for each node that connects to another set of nodes which also connect to other sets of nodes, weighting values are assigned based on what the trainer has decided, is a correct answer. If the trainer tells the AI that up is down and down is up, it will adjust its weights accordingly, such that future answers will take this adjustment into account. If the trainer tells it that Trump is evil, and Biden and Harris are good, and that shoplifters could be suburban middle class women, it will take that into account as well. Sometimes, the people who are in charge of assigning tasks, want to ensure that racial hatred is flagged, and this also can lead to some of the results we have recently seen. All answers from the trainers are graded by other trainers, and that complicates the whole process, because that will naturally affect the weights in the network. So it is not really the result of the code itself, which is neutral, but how the engine has been tuned.
I was thinking of language models. They don't actually know anything about any topic, so they aren't actually intelligent. Rather, they are trained in pattern recognition, and when presented with a question they respond with the sort of answers that are correlated with that question in their training dataset. They imitate what a human would be expected to say when asked the same question, based on the training dataset they have been given. In other words they only pretend to be intelligent. You're right that all the skewing is to do with the training database - feed it anything and it will imitate that.
But remember what you get when you select cancers and feed them...
The problem with cancer, is that your immune system fails to recognize that it is dangerous. This is also true for benign tumors, because the cells that comprise them, are indeed mutations, but they are not harmful to the host.
The AI LLMs that are being fed Leftism are not in the least benign, however.

(And the analogy continues, in the the host have had their immune systems not merely compromised, but destroyed - both medically and spiritually.)
The AI LLMs that are being fed Leftism are not in the least benign, however.

(And the analogy continues, in the the host have had their immune systems not merely compromised, but destroyed - both medically and spiritually.)
Sort of like AIDS or HIV.