The book details how outside subversive forces have used money and other means to infiltrate and corrupt churches, colleges, seminaries, and various parachurch ministries with their leftist ideology.
Many church leaders have gone along with or been influenced by this.
1. Some have been bought off.
2. Others are well intentioned, but naive and have been deceived.
3. Still others (the largest segment in my opinion) being in love with this present world seek societal approval instead of walking in the reverent fear of God.
There are chapters on each of these following topics.
Climate change scam
Mass immigration scam
Undermining the pro life movement, and promoting abortion
Corruption of Christian media outlets such as Christianity Today
COVID propaganda (with emphasis on the corruptive role played by Francis Collins and certain influential Christian leaders)
Critical Race Theory, CRT, DEI, promoting actual racism, strife, false guilt, and division in Church
#MeToo, sexual assault accusations and the lack of due process for those accused, with emphasis on the harmful role played by Rachel Denhollender
LGBTQ normalization, discussion included roles played by Andy Stanley, and Rick Warren. Both "Side A" and "Side B" "Revoice" type perversion are covered.
Her own testimony, and how God used true Christian teaching to turn her life around while the corrupt left leaning victim mindset shown above would have left her in her sin
Megan Basham is a reformed leaning Southern Baptist, so many of those she criticizes are popular in those sorts of circles, such as: JD Greer, David Platt, Matt Chandler, Gavin Ortlund, Ed Stetzer, Danny Akin, Tim Keller, Russell Moore, and the Southern Baptist ERLC.