How anyone could twist chess into being something bad is beyond me...oh, wait, I forgot what decade we're in.
Chess is only good for those who wish to think logically, strategically, get a peak at your opponents true character both in victory and defeat, or play a game as close to directly mind-to-mind as you can get.
If the writer views chess as about humiliation, they are either a horrible and immature player or flat miss the point of the game.
The best games are with those you respect. In those games it doesn't matter who wins, only the interaction and a solid game on both sides.
...I love playing with my wife for this reason, and loved playing with my dad for the same reason.
Chess is only good for those who wish to think logically, strategically, get a peak at your opponents true character both in victory and defeat, or play a game as close to directly mind-to-mind as you can get.
If the writer views chess as about humiliation, they are either a horrible and immature player or flat miss the point of the game.
The best games are with those you respect. In those games it doesn't matter who wins, only the interaction and a solid game on both sides.
...I love playing with my wife for this reason, and loved playing with my dad for the same reason.