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Please stop looking at my heart!
steve said:
the boy monkey?

Right, see where the monkey's tail is and strutting around while Shelby and I are flipping upside down entertaining him. :lol:
DaPastor said:
Please stop looking at my heart!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
lutherangirl said:
steve said:
the boy monkey?

Right, see where the monkey's tail is and strutting around while Shelby and I are flipping upside down entertaining him. :lol:

Is Shelby your daughter?
Most of us are content to wear our hearts on our sleeves. DaPastor would prefer to put his where it is more likely to be kicked.

lutherangirl said:
Right, see where the monkey's tail is and strutting around while Shelby and I are flipping upside down entertaining him. :lol:
we do love to strut AND be entertained ;) :D
sweetlissa said:
Most of us are content to wear our hearts on our sleeves. DaPastor would prefer to put his where it is more likely to be kicked.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
steve said:
we do love to strut AND be entertained ;) :D

I thought so and, yes, Shelby is our daughter. You won't see her at any retreats, because she thinks plural marriage is disgusting.
There once was a man from Llyme,
Who kept three wives at one time
When asked 'why the third?'
He said 'One's absurd,
And Bigamy, Sir, is a crime.'
So is trigamy legal? Guess a guy would have to marry all 3 at the exact same moment! :lol:
PolyDoc said:
So is trigamy legal? Guess a guy would have to marry all 3 at the exact same moment! :lol:

Isn't that a college math subject?

In fact, don't they specialize it to a study of the women involved? Triga-Mom-etry?
Oy vey, Cec!! :lol: ;) :roll:
I enjoy studying her geometry, as well. Especially a hands-on study. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe some smart lawyer should study the anti-bigamy laws of the various states to see if one or more might actually have a "trigamy loophole," and if so, how to use it. But that should be in a different, more serious thread...
my loophole: Naw ...

Trigamy loophole: Naaaawwwww... the old rabbi's wife's poem goes like this ...
One's too few,
Two will fight.
Three will take sides,
But four's just right!

Go for Quadramy!

Which will keep you so busy that you will EITHER grow up to be a Fire Truck OR a Quad-Runner. :lol:
I solved a quadramy equation once. Does that count?
That would be 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, right?
Actually, if I remember correctly, after slaving away for hours on that equation and then turning it in to the teacher, I had arrived at an answer of 0.

So I did all that work for nothing...

But I like your quadramy equation better than the one assigned by my math teacher many moons ago when I was in hi skule.

Since 7 is the perfect number in Biblical numerology, maybe that is how many women a man should have...? So adding the man, that makes it 1. Maybe a septamy equation would be perfect:

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1

That's "Red and yellow, black and white..." plus three shades of tan, and blue for the man. It comes out green for "GO!"

Guess Solomon had a kilomy equation to solve!
Y'all are all crazy (of course the good kind of crazy) but I think it is super-funny and makes for a nice break from my studying :D