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So I'm Introducing Myself...

Loads of fortitude, just seen entirely too much of peripheral pop culture in the form of horror movies etc...apparently there are now cocaine bears out there...and you want to light it on fire. Gotta presume that will make it more than a little upset.

If you can get hold of the previously mentioned .50bmg then I eill happily contribute my thermal scope. Can sit off at a mile and try to shoot the massive great hot spot as it chases the smaller hot spot running for its life

Or you guys all man up and carry a big knife when you go bow hunting black bear like I do. They're not that scary ;)

All of you men and your weapons......All it takes to scare off a mama bear and two cubs at 2 AM (Ones that are thought to be escaped sheep and lambs) is a perturbed and grumpy 9 month pregnant woman and a headlamp.

Though to be fair if I was ACTUALLY hunting I would be using some of the above recomendations...lol
What you are missing is that humans aren't on bear menu. This reduces danger at least 2 orders of magnitude.

Will you be hunted or ambushed by bear? Nope. Not that meeting one outside zoo isn't dangerous. If you stay away, you are safe.

Bears will raid camps in forests, but will never approach group of several people.

And bears being predators will respect other predators. So when facing bear behave as predator. Prey would immediatelly start running signaling to bear eat me.

So key is stand your ground and go back slowly watching bear whole time. Same advice for facing lions and sharks.

So it's bear who is facing danger. He won't know it's being hunted will ranged tooling.
What that supposed to mean?
Means that eating...much less paying for restaurant food is some sort of lazy junk nutrition dirty hippy crap. And Delivery!?! Ack! More strangers involved in my and my peoples food? And I have to pay more? Pffffft

Hard working, constant cooking, tight fisted on cash cultural luddite crew
Evidently door-dash life is approximately as addictive as meth.

Totally blows my mind.
What you are missing is that humans aren't on bear menu. This reduces danger at least 2 orders of magnitude.
Hair on fire, possible cocaine bear
Will you be hunted or ambushed by bear? Nope. Not that meeting one outside zoo isn't dangerous. If you stay away, you are safe.

You are the one that would be sneaking up with a lit wick and a canister full of jellied gasoline.
Do you know how good a bears sense of smell is? He will smell you coming a mile away. You will be lucky if he doesn't dig some sort of disguised dead fall in the mean time to snare you and then jump from three limbs up in a tree to give you a body splash in the pit..
sounds like a cocaine bear to me.
Bears will raid camps in forests, but will never approach group of several people.
Funny BooBoo bear gif here
And bears being predators will respect other predators. So when facing bear behave as predator. Prey would immediatelly start running signaling to bear eat me.
I will be up a tower with an Aldis lamp
So key is stand your ground and go back slowly watching bear whole time. Same advice for facing lions and sharks.
I got advice from an old navy Chief who was a trainer at UDT and who trained Roy Boehm (guy that founded the SEAL teams) that a Kbar in the snout and then wrap up and savage the gills as long as you can stay on. Boehm wrote about a similar scenario that he acted out to get over his fear of sharks in his book.
Me, I don't even like shark steak so I will stay back at the caban in a sweet aloha shirt and demonstrate the correct technique for the perfect maitai as served in a coconut shell and adorned with pineapple rings, crazy straws and cocktail umbrellas.
So it's bear who is facing danger. He won't know it's being hunted will ranged tooling.
This is why I want the .50bmg, the tower and the aldis lamp.
And maybe a zipline to a fast 4x4 in the event that it is an unstoppable cocaine bear
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Evidently door-dash life is approximately as addictive as meth.

Totally blows my mind.
My neighbors...normal hardworking political conservative parents and the ones all the kids go to hang out with sort of couple...they have not been to the grocery store in at least 2 years. All delivery.
I don't get it.
Same for their booze and obviously all the restaurant fodder

I marvel at how much extra they must spend.
We were discussing it one day... doing the ersatz King of the Hill thing in the street in front of his open garage while having adult beverages...and from what they were saying. It sounded like several hundred dollars per month. Maybe sneaking up on a thousand.
Just so alien a notion
Hair on fire, possible cocaine bear

You are the one that would be sneaking up with a lit wick and a canister full of jellied gasoline.
Do you know how good a bears sense of smell is? He will smell you coming a mile away. You will be lucky if he doesn't dig some sort of disguised dead fall in the mean time to snare you and then jump from three limbs up in a tree to give you a body splash in the pit..
sounds like a cocaine bear to me.

Funny BooBoo bear gif here

I will be up a tower with an Aldis lamp
View attachment 7312

I got advice from an old navy Chief who was a trainer at UDT and who trained Roy Boehm (guy that founded the SEAL teams) that a Kbar in the snout and then wrap up and savage the gills as long as you can stay on. Boehm wrote about a similar scenario that he acted out to get over his fear of sharks in his book.
Me, I don't even like shark steak so I will stay back at the caban in a sweet aloha shirt and demonstrate the correct technique for the perfect maitai as served in a coconut shell and adorned with pineapple rings, crazy straws and cocktail umbrellas.
View attachment 7313

This is why I want the .50bmg, the tower and the aldis lamp.
And maybe a zipline to a fast 4x4 in the event that it is an unstoppable cocaine bear
Nobody mentioned shark hunting.

So it's frontal attack thanks to bear's smelling. Still no ambush.

By they way, enjoy your cocktails. I will be having party with

I wasn't going to post an introduction as I hate the spotlight and only joined to try the Ladies Only Weekly chats. However, I ended up commenting on more threads than I meant to, so when someone suggested I make an introduction it felt silly not to. So here I am! I am LDS but I believe that polygamy is the way that God designed for marriage to be seeing as the men who knew him best on the earth lived that way.
I am the oldest of thirteen children and yes we all come from the same mother. I spent my life moving all over the United States and Canada, and when I turned 19 I lived in England for some time. (So if ever I do come to a meet, which I doubt cause I'm dirt poor, and only living by the grace of God, just know that if I slip into a British accent I am not faking, rather I am panicking and nervous and I just happened to pick it up living there.) Now I reside in the middle of nowhere on the east coast of the United States. As for my job, I work as a children's book artist and author. I also do some art for the homeschool curriculum my mother writes. So if I comment at random times in the day, please don't view me as idle and unemployed but rather on a flexible schedule.
I am single... (Don't mention it, it makes my mother cry, but I'm picky and refuse to marry a man I don't respect or love!) So the point is that I've never actually lived polygamy, nor are my parents polygamists, I just wanted to associate with people who were, as I believe it's the right way to live.
I joined the forum to meet other girls who believe in plural marriage and hopefully make some friends. Please do not feel obligated to tell me "Welcome :)" This is just out there so you get a briefing of who I am when I comment. Cheers
Welcome to the forum!
Side-note. I have the biggest crush on Hank Hill, he's the perfect man 😍
Odd sidebar on a Hank Hill note and the influences of of Mike Judge

If you watch the king of the hill opening and you see the neighborhood where the hill family lives and the blue water tower, thst is the neighborhood where I moved to when I moved to the Dallas area (extremely distant small bedroom community back then) from way out in the country.
So watching the show is always strangely dejavu for me.
More amusing to me is Bevis and Buthead though as feel confident I knew the guys (family of 7-8 brothers across a wide range of years but besides age all the same) the series was based on.

I always smile when hanging out with my neighbors down the street in front of his house...frequently with an adult beverage and with all the neighborhood kids playing together in their yard. Not full on king of the hill style but not terribly far off either, only wives are there also.