There are simply too many coincidences in our universe for there not to be a Designer.
Stars and planets organize themselves into solar systems. Some of those planets end up in orbits that are conducive to life.
The complexity of polynucleotides to form out of nucleotides which are formed from cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine whose particular molecular bonds are dictated by physics to occur in set patterns speaks to the existence of a Programmer all the same as the computer I am writing on right now speaks to a myriad of designers and programmers. Maybe even more so since the laws that ordered the nucleotides are inherently and inseparably part of the very fabric of our universe.
It takes a huge statement of faith to believe that so many things (stars, planets, DNA, life, us) were an accident. It takes less faith to believe my computer arose organically and that fairies delivered it to my home. My computer being far less complex than the components that make up DNA.
And an eternal or old universe no more disproves God than did these discoveries:
1. That the earth is not the center of the universe.
2. That the sky is not a solid object, a firmament.
3. That the moon is not perfect.
4. That microbes exist.
5. That illnesses are not all caused by demonic possession or demonic oppression.
6. That atoms exist.
7. That atoms are composed of even smaller particles.
8. That man can fly.
9. That space flight is possible.
10. The world is round.
11. That stars are not lights from heaven.
Despite the bleatings of HERESY!! from so many narrow minded clerics and narrow minded people these facts were eventually accepted and did any of this disprove God? Not at all.
Perhaps your experience is that everyone you know who doesn't cleave to a Young Earth theory denies the existence of God.
It really shouldn't matter how old the earth is so far as our acceptance of God goes.
If the world is fifteen billion years old then how does this disprove God? It doesn't.
Here's a thought for you: UFO/UAP are being taken seriously lately. What if it turns out that aliens are real? Does that disprove God? Not to me.
It'll just mean new people to discuss the Glory of God with is all.