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Starting the conversation

Hello ladies,
How did you bring up the subject of plural marriage with another woman that might be a good second wife for your husband?

Did you just ask her for her opinion on plural marriage or did you just bluntly give your stance on the matter and tell her she would be a great sister wife?

The woman I live with now since the day I met her I just knew she would make a great second wife for my husband, but at the time she was currently married so I pushed it aside. But now she is loosed from her husband and I still think she would be a great sister wife and a great wife for my husband, but I am not sure how to start the conversation and I am looking for some stories of how it all worked out for you weather you are the first wife and started the conversation or if your the second wife and would like to tell me how the idea came about for you.

Thank you ladies,
Great question and should produce some interesting answers.

I'm afraid I cannot be of much help. I was already open to the idea, as were they, so the discussions we had were more along the lines of "are we compatible" and we were able to skip the whole "Hey I have this idea I want to run by you" conversation.

You may want to check out the Froggie chronicles - they did a good job of walking through the conversations they had.
I wonder the same thing. How do you go about bringing it up?