Another thing to consider about meat. Grocery store chicken . . .beware . . .do a little checking into it. Most are confinement raised and some of the stuff they put into it . . .not so good. Pork is not a lot better. Again confinement ag, lots of growth hormone and antibiotics typically. Consider raising your own chickens/pork. Easy enough to raise. Easy enough to butcher. Beef is a little harder, good advice is to check around with local producers. You can usually by a quarter, half or whole beef for a fraction for what you'll pay at the supermarket. If you find a reputable producer they will be able to tell you if they feed: "tankage" (beef scraps), growth hormone (which is in nearly everything), GMO grain (again nearly universal), or various feed supplements for flies/etc. that may be problematic. Best case scenario you can find a local farmer that raises pasture raised beef with minimal chemical additives. You tell them what you want. They deliver to the locker of your choice and you've got meat for a year.