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The girls left us


The two girls 15&16 that I took in informed me yesterday that they would rather have to sleep with a guy for a place too stay then too have a loving home with rules. It kinda broke my heart as these two are like my children. The 15yr old is also pregnant, so yes this worries me even more. I can not however see my self backing down and letting them do what ever while in my home. So they are supposed to be leaving today. I guess when I get home they will be gone. Yall just pray that they stay at least unharmed and pray that this depression I am feeling goes away. I for some reason feel as if this is my fault. I tried to show all the love I could and teach them that there are better ways to life then the party, like school, true friends and Family! I really wish there was some thing I could say or do. All I could do was hug them kiss them on the forehead and tell them I love them and I will be praying. So if you seen my facebook that's what that was all about.
I'm so sorry ! :cry:
I do know how you feel. I was a foster parent and I had many such situations with teenage girls. It's heartbreaking but the best thing you can do for them is to continue to love them and if they refuse to live in a home with boundaries, then pray for them. Praying isn't a secondary action. It's the most powerful tool we have against the kingdom of Satan. It's NOT your fault that they have been deceived and are buying into a pack of lies. Pray for them and have others pray for them ! I don't believe in coincidences; God had them in your home for a reason. You have planted seeds in their lives that may very well come to fruition in the future. Do not give up hope, you may be hearing from them again !
may i echo both paul and fairlight.
if you were a jerk this would not rip you up, caring deeply often brings deep pain
my blessings are with you
I'm with you. It's hard to see kids so locked into the patterns of self destruction. I was going though something similar recently with young person in my life. But don't give up hope. I have been elated in the last few weeks to see the seeds of love finally crack through satan's barrier of lies. I pray that he will protect the girls, convict their hearts and bring comfort to you and yours. Blessings and comfort.

Greetings & Blessings,

I also understand having a few teens of our own in our home. We've had to lay down "Godly boundaries," that don't always seem to line up with "the world's version" of what acceptable behavior & activities are. It's hard as we all desire to trust our children or any others in our homes. As we also desire to nurture, love them and teach them God's ways, desiring a close relationship with them. That however doesn't include being "their friend, or a friend of the worlds," more than being Godly parents and giving them a Godly foundation to stand and grow upon. The teen/growing up years are the hardest in general. Thanks for caring enough to step up to the plate, giving them a loving shelter from the storms of life. Trying to teach them Godly living, another more meaningful, loving safe way of life that no one else has taken the time to share with them. No teen, myself included (way back when) ;) ever really welcomes boundaries, especially Godly ones that go against what the world says is okay for living or for entertainment. But not to fret or worry, for God gives us a spirit of peace and a sound mind. The foundation that you so lovingly have tried to share with them, may reap a wonderful harvest in the end, as His word won't come back void! :) God Bless the Pure, Humble & Loving motives of your heart. Keep on Keeping on with Yeshua, family & friends! Keeping the door of your heart and home open for them, if and when their ready to live within safe/Godly/loving boundaries. :)

Yeshuas Blessings of His Wisdom, Peace & Comfort!

Fairlight is right, Prayer is the Most Powerful Weapon we have to use at any and all times!
Praying for their hearts & minds to be open to the Beautiful Truth of Yeshua and Salvation,
and for their spiritual, physical and emotional safety while their out on their own. Praying for
conviction and maturity to kick in within them. Prayer for God's will above all else to be done in their lives!
Btw Fairlight,

Just wanted to mention that my post is in agreement with what you & others here have shared with Rev Gil. And yes Fairlight, it's true that it's hard to make a stand for Godly living, that goes against the grain of the worlds version of "what is okay." As you said it's sad when our teen/youth in general, fall for the pack of lies that teach our dear youth that living as the world does is an acceptable, more fun way of living. What a huge lie from Satan himself, as being in God's family and living a Godly life is so much more rewarding/fun & safe! "Be Ye Seperate, do not conform to the ways of this world, flee immorality, be transformed by the renewing of your mind, etc, etc." Truths we must cling to and teach unto our dear children if we truly want the Honor & Privilage to call ourselves children of God. Not an easy task, as the teaching of these Biblical Truths must be done in Love & Understanding, and doing so as we want God's best for our children. But taught none the less with a firm resolve and upon a "firm foundation in Christ," for any generational curses to be broken and to give our dear children a Godly heritage to pass onto their own children. Faint not, not allowing ourselves to grow weary in that which is good. What God/Yeshua calls us to do, He also will equip us to do! :) Those girls deep down Rev Gil, know of your & your wife's love & concern for them. As your family & God has their best interest at heart. Lets just continue to lift them up into Yeshua's loving, Strong Arms of Protection & Wisdom to be upon them at this time. Bringing them back with open hearts & minds to Yeshua, & to your family if thats where God leads them, or some other place of Godly safety.

With Compassion, Concern & Prayers,

PROVERBS 3:5-7 :)
Well like I said the girls left. They are showing me just how mad they are that I won't back down on my desicision and just let them do what ever they want. First they just ignored me when I said hello, then told a good neighbor friend of mine all kinds of things. Of course him knowing me he told them he seriously doubted any thing they said. Still I am wishing them well. I know they are just children and they are probably hurting too. One of them didn't want to go but she couldn't let the other one go alone. I seen them last night at another neighbors house drinking and being loud. They were drunk, the first night there. I was really to the point to where I wanted to go fight with the neighbors. Becky had to talk me down. I know as a minister I shouldn't be fighting folks, but man that got me really mad. I just can't stand to see my girls as I call them drunk. Those two still have too sleep with a light on in the hall way and with a stuffed animal. For now all I can do is try to avoid the whole situation all together and just pray. It is just hard when they are right across the street. Thanks for all the prayer and good wishes. It may take a while, but I am believing God will take them some where good in life.

Rev Gill
Greetings again Rev,

Please be encouraged in the Lord, and realize that He both knew and saw the loving and pure motives of your heart in this situation. You did what you and your wife were able to do for these two young ladies. With the "free will that we all have been given," we can either accept or reject Yeshua as savior, just as we can accept or reject people's help in this world. It doesn't make it any easier in this situation to remember these truths, but in time with prayer & God's healing, these truths can help you. It is sad to see such young women willingly go down a path of destruction, and not be able to help save them from it. But God is bigger than any of these issues, and thanks to the foundation you laid down for them, at some point Yeshua's words won't come back void. Remember that our job is "to plant the seeds & water them," but that doesn't always mean we get to make them grow in Christ. That may happen with whom ever else Yeshua may place o their path. Lets continue to lift them to Yeshua for His protection, mercy, grace & wisdom to be upon them at this season and always. God be with thee, comfort and heal thee Rev!

God's Peace and Joy to you and yours,
Our oldest daughter came to us at 15 and we did our best to impart Godly principles in her heart. Only God can truly know how much of what we did stuck. Rev, I know that if you took those girls into your home, gave them love, let Jesus minister to them through you, then you did what we are commanded to do! God will use what you did to deal with them.

My daughter left home and turned to drugs, sex, and alcohol... I have cried out to God to bring her back to Him and I will do so until she is living a life that is in accordance to God's Word.

I will pray for you and for both of those girls!

God Bless you!
My heart goes out to you and your family. Often when teens fear rejection they will put up a front of indifference and defiance. "You cannot reject me if I do not want your acceptance." Just keep on keepin on. Your perserverence and steadfastness will be rewarded. It may not happen right away, but they will one day apreciate your not giving in. I will be praying for you and for your girls. Love always prevails in the end.
