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The Los Angeles fires of January 2025

It doesn't work that way. In Los Angeles the wild fire defense has to occur at the same time normal fire department responses must occur such as medical calls, automobile accidents, and small fires.

In Split their limited resources can be concentrated on a defense line and also respond to selected issues as they occur because the geographical area to defend is small compared to Los Angeles. In LA the fire lines in Malibu are as much as 130km away from San Bernardino.

All of Croatia would fit into the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Croatia = 21,851 square miles
LA Metropol = 33,954 square miles
Dear Lady,

Croatia has more than one fire at same time during summer. And stil hasn't lost a city. Or town.

And fire isn't only issue during summer.

18M / 3.8M (Croatia population) = 4.73 bigger population in LA. LA is about 1.55 bigger.

So average density is 4.73/1.55 = 3X in LA advantage. So manpower is there. With per capita at least 50% bigger in LA favor, LA has both people and money.
How about WATER?

Gruesome Newsome may have dumped a lot of farm fresh water into the Pacific - and I've seen virtually NO MENTION of this on the WasteStream Media - but it turns out that they have plenty of seawater, close.

And it puts out fires. (Yes, it can be harder on equipment, but that's solvable, and should have been...but it doesn't matter if the equipment is broken, or sent to Ukraine.)
How about WATER?

Gruesome Newsome may have dumped a lot of farm fresh water into the Pacific - and I've seen virtually NO MENTION of this on the WasteStream Media - but it turns out that they have plenty of seawater, close.

And it puts out fires. (Yes, it can be harder on equipment, but that's solvable, and should have been...but it doesn't matter if the equipment is broken, or sent to Ukraine.)

The media keeps referencing the Klamath River watershed which does not connect to Los Angeles and now never will.

They also cite the Sacramento River delta which is where the smelt is located. There are a LOT of issues there and the smelt is only one of them. The bigger issue is that Northern California does not want to be made into the next Owens Valley by having LA take all of their water. And make no mistake, LA wants to take all of the water. Before we left California in 2010 we had to put a water meter on our well because of a law that was passed by politicians beholden to LA water interests. And we lived four hundred miles away from LA.

Over the years Los Angeles has come up with schemes to steal water from:

1. The Yukon River in Alaska
2. The Fraser River in Canada
3. The Columbia River in Canada, Washington, and Oregon
4. The Willamette River in Oregon
5. The Mississippi River
6. The Great Lakes

And their Delta Tunnel Project is just their latest ploy to steal water from Northern California. The smelt and other fish like the salmon are helping to preserve the water rights of Northern California farmers, cities, and habitats and believe me when I say this is a good thing.
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Dear Lady,

Croatia has more than one fire at same time during summer. And stil hasn't lost a city. Or town.

And fire isn't only issue during summer.

18M / 3.8M (Croatia population) = 4.73 bigger population in LA. LA is about 1.55 bigger.

So average density is 4.73/1.55 = 3X in LA advantage. So manpower is there. With per capita at least 50% bigger in LA favor, LA has both people and money.

Dear one,

The Los Angeles area is bigger than your entire country. You compared this megalopolis to the city of Split which is smaller than several neighborhoods in the city of Los Angeles.

The two do not compare. That you would compare them speaks to your lack of understanding.

I grew up in Corona, which is a tiny part of the LA area and trust me when I say I remember the size of the greater area. You can drive for hours and at high speed and still be in the urban area.

Even as it is, the Los Angeles Metropolitan area spends more on their fire departments than Croatia spends on its military.

Croatia's total 2024 budget was about US$30bn

The LA Metropol budget for 2024 was US$58bn. That doesn't even include State of California or Federal funds allocated for the region.

I am not at all arguing that California was unprepared for this fire. Not at all. There were lots of things they should have been doing to prevent this fire and they deliberately did not do those things. Manpower had nothing to do with those choices.

But kindly stop trumpeting Croatia here when it does not at all compare to the LA area.

Maybe someday you'll visit the Los Angeles area and get to see a tiny bit of it and you'll still have your mind blown by how big and complex it is.
I am not at all arguing that California was unprepared for this fire. Not at all. There were lots of things they should have been doing to prevent this fire and they deliberately did not do those things. Manpower had nothing to do with those choices.
We finally agree. This is what I have tried to say.

It was deliberate choice since they had needed resources.
I am sure you have seen this. Were they mocking God?
I regret that I posted this. I felt convicted that by me posting this I may be inferring that it was judgement. And by this I am becoming like Job's friends. May God have mercy on me.

Luke 13:1-5
There were present at that time some who told Him of the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 Jesus answered, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse offenders than all men living in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”
The media keeps referencing the Klamath River watershed which does not connect to Los Angeles and now never will.

They also cite the Sacramento River delta which is where the smelt is located. There are a LOT of issues there and the smelt is only one of them. The bigger issue is that Northern California does not want to be made into the next Owens Valley by having LA take all of their water. And make no mistake, LA wants to take all of the water. Before we left California in 2010 we had to put a water meter on our well because of a law that was passed by politicians beholden to LA water interests. And we lived four hundred miles away from LA.

Over the years Los Angeles has come up with schemes to steal water from:

1. The Yukon River in Alaska
2. The Fraser River in Canada
3. The Columbia River in Canada, Washington, and Oregon
4. The Willamette River in Oregon
5. The Mississippi River
6. The Great Lakes

And their Delta Tunnel Project is just their latest ploy to steal water from Northern California. The smelt and other fish like the salmon are helping to preserve the water rights of Northern California farmers, cities, and habitats and believe me when I say this is a good thing.
I saw this on Quora - To those in LA: Karen Bass is your mayor, Gavin Newsome is your governor, Adam Schiff and Alex Padilla are your senators, Kamala Harris is your Vice President and Joe Biden is your President... And somehow this is all Donald Trump's fault. Get Help" To which I say "Shur Nuff"
I saw this on Quora - To those in LA: Karen Bass is your mayor, Gavin Newsome is your governor, Adam Schiff and Alex Padilla are your senators, Kamala Harris is your Vice President and Joe Biden is your President... And somehow this is all Donald Trump's fault. Get Help" To which I say "Shur Nuff"

The Democrats are starting to wake up to the fact that the left has led them to ruin. Let's see if they're smart enough to change their ways.

I doubt it. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt before I predict their end.
The Democrats are starting to wake up to the fact that the left has led them to ruin. Let's see if they're smart enough to change their ways.

I doubt it. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt before I predict their end.
Yes, I doubt it too. Example: many of those who have already left California (like in the last 10 years) have moved to conservative states to enjoy low taxes and responsible government. But when asked how they vote? Most of them still are demon-crats. It is unbelievable to me that they could be so stupid. Someday ask me how God changed my politics at the same time as He gave me new life. It's quite a story.
The media keeps referencing the Klamath River watershed which does not connect to Los Angeles and now never will.

They also cite the Sacramento River delta which is where the smelt is located. There are a LOT of issues there and the smelt is only one of them. The bigger issue is that Northern California does not want to be made into the next Owens Valley by having LA take all of their water. And make no mistake, LA wants to take all of the water. Before we left California in 2010 we had to put a water meter on our well because of a law that was passed by politicians beholden to LA water interests. And we lived four hundred miles away from LA.

Over the years Los Angeles has come up with schemes to steal water from:

1. The Yukon River in Alaska
2. The Fraser River in Canada
3. The Columbia River in Canada, Washington, and Oregon
4. The Willamette River in Oregon
5. The Mississippi River
6. The Great Lakes

And their Delta Tunnel Project is just their latest ploy to steal water from Northern California. The smelt and other fish like the salmon are helping to preserve the water rights of Northern California farmers, cities, and habitats and believe me when I say this is a good thing.
Interesting take. We have a similar problem with Atlanta wanting to such up all the water from literally four states. I’ll think on this. I hadn’t approached environmentalism from the stand point of capturing t it and repurposing it for our purposes; the protection of rural ways of life and as a weapon against the urban areas.
I drove thru that area a few days ago and the Santa Ana winds rocked me on Interstate 5. Non combustible building codes are partly to blame but those winds... OH MY!! Lots of blame to go around. Like the typical "accident," this was negligently(sp) facilitated and orchestrated. All the factors were put in place by competing powers for selfish gain. President Trump said repeatedly "I told you so!"
It is now snowing on the SoCal mountains and raining in Los Angeles. Meaning the fires are being followed up by mudslides.

It's also coming out that Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass want to replace the single family homes with apartments. I suspect President Trump is going to crap all over their evil plans and Thank God for that! :)
The Ideal home is a DOME HOME and the Ideal building place is IOWA!!!
Idk, to me the ideal building place is somewhere that I would actually want to live.
Idk, to me the ideal building place is somewhere that I would actually want to live.
Idk, to me the ideal building place is somewhere that I would actually want to live.
Well Steve - How could you beat Iowa? Richest land on earth AND Voted for Trump by a margin of 13. I mean - just those two things prove the value of Iowa. And I could go on, and on, and on...