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The religious spirit of monogamy-only....

I know in the Christian world there are prayer campaigns and other corporate efforts to bring down strongholds. Maybe as a group we should look at this type of confrontation from a spiritual battle frame of mind.
If we're going to look at this seriously, those feeling led by the Holy Spirit to band together to do warfare on our knees, then each of us must start preparing now in our own personal relationship with Yeshua. Is there anything between? Are we holding onto anything that is an idol in our lives? What are we willing to give up to enter this season of intercessory prayer? The enemy HATES this sort of deliberate onslaught against strongholds. Scripture hidden in our hearts must be our foundation upon which we will stand, as well as the shield of faith that will quench all the fiery darts the enemy willl hurl at us if we begin this. I find myself thinking, "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Mark 14:38 Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak.

Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

Then I'm reminded that:
1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Some good thoughts and discussion started here. Not sure I was 'naming' spirits, however, I think we can know them or recognize them by their fruit...

I don't come close to thinking I have the spiritual side figured out, I just recognize that this is truly a deep issue that is at the core or convergence of many social and church ills. Why wouldn't the Adversary be very specifically involved. I am not suggesting that any or all who kick against plural are demon possessed or anything. Again, just saying that this is a defined front in the battle against the enemy of our King.

So, for me, the first step is in asking the Father exactly what we are to do with this understanding and how to proceed forward for the sake not only of our own individual situations, but to gain spiritual ground for the whole Kingdom. What do we pray? How do we pray?

Specific prayers that come to mind:

- Preparatory:
  • Ask the Father to forgive us where we have ignorantly promoted monogamy only (MO) as sole Truth. In doing so, we have hurt others by barring them from relationships that would have been fulfilling, righteous and healing.
  • Ask the Father to heal our hurts and the hurts we inflicted due to accepting and abiding by the false doctrine of MO.
  • Ask the Father to reveal in us areas that we have not yet surrendered to Him regarding a proper understanding and outworking of Biblical truth regarding marriage in our lives.
- Engaging:
  • Ask the Father to lead us to release us from past hurt and sin related to MO. These may be sins and hurts of jealousy, insecurity, selfishness, control, domination, etc.
  • Ask the Father to use us as examples of His righteousness in whatever way HE sees fit.
  • Ask the Father to remove the veil of blindness on His people as regards plural marriage and that He would shine HIS light in His timing into the lives of His people to awaken them to this ancient path.
  • Pray for specific people by name. Ask for Him to address the battle in their heart and for Him to release them from any bondage of tradition or false doctrines. Further, ask Him to lead them gently to the fullness of truth in this matter.
  • Pray that falsehood and false doctrines regarding plural marriage be exposed and put to shame.

There is much more that can be added to this list... feel free... I have to head to work but will keep pondering this.
Aside from the issue of how to respond, it is posts like these:

When I approached my pastor, just to let him know that I had been studying this and had come to a different conclusion than what was traditionally accepted, it was like he lost his mind. Someone that I had known for close to 20 years turned into someone I’d never have imagined.
The result that I would have never predicted happened. First we were requested to stay away from work parties, then Resurrection Sunday, then indefinitely. When I insisted on a meeting with the deacons per Matt. 18, I was then browbeat to “just leave quietly”.

which lead me to believe you are onto something about the fundamentally spiritual character of this battle. There is more going on here than simple intellectual disagreement.
Aside from the issue of how to respond, it is posts like these which lead me to believe you are onto something about the fundamentally spiritual character of this battle. There is more going on here than simple intellectual disagreement.
This is a common story, and I've said often that one of the early ways we knew we were on to something important was that otherwise sane people would absolutely melt down over being asked simple questions about what the bible really teaches about marriage.

Whether that's the work of demons or not is a different story. [Insert standard plug for a study of Terror Management Theory here and here.]
This is a common story, and I've said often that one of the early ways we knew we were on to something important was that otherwise sane people would absolutely melt down over being asked simple questions about what the bible really teaches about marriage.

Whether that's the work of demons or not is a different story. [Insert standard plug for a study of Terror Management Theory here and here.]

Now that makes some sense. They know that if they take that stance it will destabilize or destroy their marriage. And since they can't mount a logical response to the theology self preservation kicks in.

Now this is not to say that the psychological answers everything. I don't doubt there is a spiritual component; some even from direct devilish influence, but [not] necessarily all of it.

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I myself, and MaryandJim are not well versed in spiritual warfare and believe that it can be very dangerous. Yesuah did give the power to cast out demons to his deciples.. Mark 3:14-15 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 14 He appointed twelve to be with him, to be sent out to preach 15 and to have authority to expel demons. There are quite a few more references to us having the ability to cast out spirits but if we do so in haste we run the risk of making things worse for the people or issue we are trying to change.
Luke 11:24-26 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 24 “When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it travels through dry country seeking rest. On finding none, it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ 25 When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. 26 Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they come and live there — so that in the end the person is worse off than he was before.”

This battle, the fight against the spirit of monogamy only, would be better fought corporately in group fasting and prayer requesting the G-d bring light to the world on the acceptability and rightness of PM by those called to pursue it. But as we get closer to the end times we find that the bad (gay marriage, pedophilia....) is called good, and the good(PM, taking care of widows, large families.....) is called bad and we are fighting an uphill battle that may not be winnable until the return of the Son of G-d. Until then I will continue to pray for my wife, discernment and wisdom and all that is good in His eyes.
My prayers culminating in me binding the enemy spirits, naming them by name, ....

To be clear, by 'naming them by name' I was referring to their fruit... Not that I know or care to know the names of any demon, etc. I said something along the lines of, 'any spirit of jealousy, insecurity, fear.... etc, I bind you in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah, son of David!"

So trying not to sidetrack by a discussion of the details of spiritual battle. More just telling where I am in my understanding. The point is we can each, from whatever level of understanding and revelation the Father has given us, pray and intercede in this area understanding that it is a critical point that we can take the battle to the enemy in the Name of our Messiah and Advocate!
We can do greater things than Christ did in His walk on this earth. That said...

'any spirit of jealousy, insecurity, fear.... etc, I bind you in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah, son of David!"

This 'spirit of x, i bind you', where is that ever done in scripture?
The reason i asked is because your demonology seems to be in lock step with that of the NAR. Combine that with your screen name and you can understand why I asked, right?

sure. My understanding of the spirit realm has come from study and the school of hard knocks, many sessions of deliverance. and revelation. I have read some of the books of others but through practice had to learn what to keep and what to throw away.
Now this is not to say that the psychological answers everything. I don't doubt there is a spiritual component; some even from direct devilish influence, but necessarily all of it.
Exactly. I've had experiences with demonic oppression and exorcism that I'm not going to discuss on an online forum, but in some contexts playing the 'spiritual warfare' card scapegoats unseen forces and sidesteps the darker problem: willful sin and the choices we make to defend our wants. This is a very case-by-case matter, and not something that we're going to get very far with online talking about general principles.
@Ancient Paths, I appreciate the spirit of your OP, and I feel like we're sort of wandering off the trail here. I do see what I also refer to as 'the religious spirit' being inextricably linked with fear, insecurity, shame, jealousy, etc--basically anything other than a robust identity in Christ. I think in the middle there's a lot of overlap between that statement and the basic tenets of Terror Management Theory, like two different languages used to describe the same observed phenomenon, but they also each have their own reach apart from the other.

Aaaaand, you just posted the post that will be right above this one. ;)

Personally, I hear God turning me away from the big picture and national or even global concerns, and toward the local and the personal. Not saying it's wrong to focus on the big picture; maybe some of us are supposed to do one and some do the other. (Wouldn't that be just like God, to set up a body with many different members performing different functions?...) ;) So most of my praying is pretty personal, for individuals, based on my understanding of where they are and what they need. I can appreciate the questions asked in your OP, but not sure I can be much help.
Eph. 1:15
15Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, 16Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

This might be a good place to start. First for all brothers and sisters in Christ and then for the greater Biblical Families group. Then specifically for any who you may encounter, that they may be open to truth. Then along the same focus pray for any enemies of the truth to have their mouths stopped. Particularly any demonic forces that would oppose the truth in the minds of the hearers. we may claim the right to the power of binding and loosing. We cannot and should not overcome freewill. However, demons do not have the right to interfere with the hearers freewill either! We have the right to bind them so people may hear the truth without the demons interference!
@ all posters... So, to go back to main thrust of post... what and how do we pray?

Matthew 18:20 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

@Ancient Paths, I agree with you that corporate prayer against spiritual strongholds is the proper solutions to a problem this larger. I don't think it is really important in the actual words used to bind or loose or whatever in an attempt to overcome an enemy of this nature, no one ever had that ability anyway, it's the attitude of the heart the God looks at. Getting everyone, or enough people on the same page seems to be the trick. The list you created above is a really good one. Wonder if incorporating that into a prayer, that others might be able to include in the prayers they offer for blessings be a start. I would be willing to coordinate a fast with you in this regard, maybe others could join.
@Cap, I'm in... Probably easiest way is to decide on a day of the week that all who choose to pray specifically can join in. Fasting is optional for those who choose to do so...

@andrew , I totally understand and I guess in one sense this is very personal because the father just keeps hammering me with recognizing the huge numbers of hurting ladies who openly state that there is no hope of finding a Godly husband. Many are not very open to this topic and therein is the need for specific prayer. But, the local problem we see and feel is a large general problem as we well know. may not be able to have a huge effect there, but praying into it in a general sense, besides the path the Father calls us to walk as examples for the local side... we have an effect in both camps. Maybe I can save one and be a blessing and a hedge to her, but in doing so, I save two by leaving some man available to the next... then also have a larger effect as example and intercessor... I guess I see it all tied together, but my original prayer began as specific intercession for two specific people.
sure. My understanding of the spirit realm has come from study and the school of hard knocks, many sessions of deliverance. and revelation. I have read some of the books of others but through practice had to learn what to keep and what to throw away.
I guess this is what is making my false doctrine alarms go off. You are saying this teaching comes from books other than scripture, from personal experience, and from things you have learned from communicating with demons? Forgive me, but communicating with demons in order to gain insight into the spiritual realm to learn how best to pray, sounds like a doctrines of demons.