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General The Solomon discussion

Would you believe that King Solomon mined copper on the north shore of one of the Great Lakes, iron in South America?
Brazil is Hebrew for iron.
Not to mention that he built a Bessemer smelter thousands of years before Henry figured it out.

I bet they didn't call it a "Bessemer" though.
Uh oh....if keep this up we will all soon be Mormons.
It is actually there. It becomes a huge problem for the Mormons though because of its dating being so early. Long before their chronology says the Israelites came, thus when the Mormon Israelites came they would have been conquering other Israelites instead of Edomites

They just can’t win for losing
This work has a lot to say about Solomon. It begins with information about the ark that gets a little carried away and ends with mainstream Christian end times assumptions, but the work on Solomon is very thorough.

What's also interesting is to take into account the genealogis of Luke and Matthew and you come up with an interesting idea of who Solomon really is, maybe. Was Adonijah really the one that was suppose to build the temple?

On this page https://www.aeragon.com/itz/06/06-0101-0113-00.html there is a claim that God never told David that Solomon should be the king. Then it quotes I Chronicles 17:11 and II Samuel 7:12, both which recount an event which transpired before Solomon was born. This claim though runs contrary to what I read last night in I Chron 22:9 and 10. There, David is telling Solomon that God had revealed to him that he would be the one to build the temple.
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There’s also a stone with the Decalogue on it in Los Lunas New Mexico that dates to the time of Solomon.
I think the "Mormon forgery" explanation, is much more plausible.
I think the "Mormon forgery" explanation, is much more plausible.
The problem with that theory is that they are enscribed in Hebrew dating back to the time of Solomon. It was unrecognizable until it was recognized as resembling some of the oldest Dead Sea scrolls due to changes in the Hebrew styles of writing. This was post WW2. No one in recent history (since Mormonism) had the knowledge to generate that as a forgery. That form of Hebrew was a dead language. Also it was mentioned by some of the earliest settlers in the area and if the Mormons were gonna do a forgery like that, it would have been more useful to their narrative to have it in the Salt Lake region.
Because of. . . ?

I noticed that their best case against it seemed to be the Eva and Hobe “was here 3/13/30” inscriptions which seemed to me to be an attempt to prove they found the inscriptions first.

No attempt was made to explain how ancient Hebrew that was unavailable as a source until 1947 ish at the earliest was used to create this forgery, nor the obvious misspelling.

That whole article (on the pessimist side) seemed biased against pre Columbus contact. That might have been considered a viable a talking point in the 20th century but is faaaaar from credible today.
Not that I have a vested interest in convincing anyone of this, but here’s additional information that’s pretty interesting


It’s sad that some want to stick to the idea that the people of Yah were just a nondescript group of people that did nothing other than occupy some land and put our Messiah on the cross.

They were our spiritual forbears and we have been grafted into their lineage.
Archaeological work on arrowheads has all but proven that the continent was first settled by Europeans, long before the route from Siberia was opened. Not that conventional archaeology will accept it.
The problem with this type of stuff is that while vast majorities of it are plausible and even likely; there is frequently a poison pill hidden in there somewhere. For all of the crazy, old Earth, evolution believing, bathroom confused dunderheads the unbelievers have; one Nibiru/ failed End Times date prediction sets the Gospel back. I think it is highly likely that Solomon’s people made it to the Americas. I just want to make sure no weirdness comes in when I open my mind to these new ideas.
The problem with this type of stuff is that while vast majorities of it are plausible and even likely; there is frequently a poison pill hidden in there somewhere. For all of the crazy, old Earth, evolution believing, bathroom confused dunderheads the unbelievers have; one Nibiru/ failed End Times date prediction sets the Gospel back. I think it is highly likely that Solomon’s people made it to the Americas. I just want to make sure no weirdness comes in when I open my mind to these new ideas.
Weirdness? What kind are you fearful of?

I've long ago concluded that the standard evolutionary model of Earth's settlement is bunk.
  • Humans were created intelligent from the beginning and likely settled vast areas of the globe within perhaps a few hundred years or even less after Eden.
  • There seems to be evidence that the current "native Americans" actually displaced other people already living in North and South America (I don't have links, but can provide them if I look hard enough).
  • Europeans were running trade expeditions into N. America long before Columbus.
  • It's thought that Africans and South Americans were trading across the Pacific long before the Spanish or English.
  • The Silk Road dating has been amended to be much older than originally thought.
  • There's credible evidence that ancient Chinese writing actually reflects biblical concepts that can only be explained by travel and trade existing far earlier than any atheistic archaeologists would admit.
Weirdness? What kind are you fearful of?

I've long ago concluded that the standard evolutionary model of Earth's settlement is bunk.
  • Humans were created intelligent from the beginning and likely settled vast areas of the globe within perhaps a few hundred years or even less after Eden.
  • There seems to be evidence that the current "native Americans" actually displaced other people already living in North and South America (I don't have links, but can provide them if I look hard enough).
  • Europeans were running trade expeditions into N. America long before Columbus.
  • It's thought that Africans and South Americans were trading across the Pacific long before the Spanish or English.
  • The Silk Road dating has been amended to be much older than originally thought.
  • There's credible evidence that ancient Chinese writing actually reflects biblical concepts that can only be explained by travel and trade existing far earlier than any atheistic archaeologists would admit.
For examples if weirdness see Niburu.
I looked into Niburu a while back. I think it’s a false flag that goes off the deep end but uses some truth (the existence of the wandering planets) to bolster the rest of the falsehoods it perpetuates.

I think what it’s trying to discredit or detract from is information like what is presented when you search for planet 7x and Worlds in collision