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There Literally Aren't Enough Men Out There


Seasoned Member
It's Not Your Imagination, Single Women: There Literally Aren't Enough Men Out There (via Vice)


No, I don't read Vice regularly, but this is a fascinating article (from 2 years ago) that was mentioned recently by an anti-sjw youtuber that I follow. Technically, the headline is only referring to college-educated men. It points out that there are way more female college grads than males, and that women don't like marrying down, which means many don't have potential mates. If you want statistics for how PM can be beneficial for women, from a popular and accessible site, this might be a good article to share.

Of course, feminists get the educational "equality" that they want (meaning a 4:3 ratio, and growing) and then they discover the downside that it doesn't make them happy, and surprise, it's men's fault. Ironically, the article goes so far as to suggest affirmative action for men! o_O
But here is an additional problem, that you implied with, "they don't want to marry down." Their ego and their misconception of most men has clouded the truth about what a real man is. This limits their "pool" of potential suitors to very few and typically disfunctional for having a loving, nurturing, growing, and fulfilling relationship. For example, my oldest Son is a very skilled nuclear welder. Ahmm, he makes more than a neurosurgeon. His highly educated and great wife has no problem with this. Not that he makes a lot of money, but because he's Loving, nurturing, and has great listening skills. We ALL NEED to explore the whole person. This is what saddens me about what society has become. A woman has fake nails, fake body parts, fake lashes, fake hair, fake skin colorS; then wants a real man. Then men, they look at the physical and nothing else. Sickening. The leadership at N.O.W. (National Organization for Women) admitted that their true goal has never been equality, it's dominate. Yes like a lot of situations we find ourselves in, (train wrecks), if we examine what happened, we will admit we brought most of it on ourselves. The same applies to successes. Like Einstein said, "Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result every time." A quote from my dad, "If you want to harvest fresh vegetables, make sure ya ain't planting weed seeds now." I have many friends n family that ask me why they can't find a good man? I tell them, "Go look in the mirror." My wife n I have eight children. I've told them, "Don't look for the right person, but be the right person. It all starts with Christ"
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But here is an additional problem, that you implied with, "they don't want to marry down." Their ego and their misconception of most men has clouded the truth about what a real man is. This limits their "pool" of potential suitors to very few and typically disfunctional for having a loving, nurturing, growing, and fulfilling relationship. For example, my oldest Son is a very skilled nuclear welder. Ahmm, he makes more than a neurosurgeon. His highly educated and great wife has no problem with this. Not that he makes a lot of money, but because he's Loving, nurturing, and has great listening skills. We ALL NEED too explore the whole person. This is what saddens me about what society has become. A woman has fake nails, fake body parts, fake lashes, fake hair, fake skin colorS; then wants a real man. Then men, they look at the physical and nothing else. Sickening. The leadership at NOW admitted that their true goal has never been equality, it's dominate. Yes like a lot of situations we find ourselves in, (train wrecks), if we exams what happened, we broghtvit on ourselves. The same applies to successes. Like Einstein said, "Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result every time." A quote from my dad, "If you want to harvest fresh vegetables, make sure ya ain't planting weed seeds now." I have many friends n family that ask me why they can't I find a good man? I tell them, "Go look in the mirror." My wife n I have eight children. I've told them, "Don't look for the right person, but be the right person. It all starts with Christ"

BlamO! ... Fantastic words brother @Curtis Gerhart ! :cool:
But here is an additional problem, that you implied with, "they don't want to marry down." Their ego and their misconception of most men has clouded the truth about what a real man is. This limits their "pool" of potential suitors to very few and typically disfunctional for having a loving, nurturing, growing, and fulfilling relationship. For example, my oldest Son is a very skilled nuclear welder. Ahmm, he makes more than a neurosurgeon. His highly educated and great wife has no problem with this. Not that he makes a lot of money, but because he's Loving, nurturing, and has great listening skills. We ALL NEED too explore the whole person. This is what saddens me about what society has become. A woman has fake nails, fake body parts, fake lashes, fake hair, fake skin colorS; then wants a real man. Then men, they look at the physical and nothing else. Sickening. The leadership at NOW admitted that their true goal has never been equality, it's dominate. Yes like a lot of situations we find ourselves in, (train wrecks), if we exams what happened, we broghtvit on ourselves. The same applies to successes. Like Einstein said, "Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result every time." A quote from my dad, "If you want to harvest fresh vegetables, make sure ya ain't planting weed seeds now." I have many friends n family that ask me why they can't I find a good man? I tell them, "Go look in the mirror." My wife n I have eight children. I've told them, "Don't look for the right person, but be the right person. It all starts with Christ"
What women don't realize is that most males who have degrees are too feminized by the educational system to have any worth as men.

Somewhat along the lines of what @Curtis Gerhart said.
Modern men are feminized too by the easy living that city life affords, and it doesn't help that most hire everything done, rather then learn to do it themselves.
Churches and schools all want conformity, and it begins at the earliest ages, so by the time the poor guy is out of college he's basically ready for the kind of "egalitarian" "co-equal" marriage, that only those truly, willfully, educated into ignorance think is healthy.

Maybe someone could explain another modern concept? I have heard it said that "co-dependence" in relationships is unhealthy. I personally think this is another case of twisted dysfunctional teaching. I never have seen anything wrong with co-dependence. To me it is just each trusting the other to do and handle their job. I mean who wants to have a partner that's a freeloader, and doesn't pull their weight? Usually each can make life easier for the other by being reliable, and to me this leads to co-dependance. After all if two are really one, to say you cannot depend on each other is kind of like saying that you really shouldn't stand on both of your own legs!

Just my rambling comments this morning.
A woman has fake nails, fake body parts, fake lashes, fake hair, fake skin colorS; then wants a real man.
This made me laugh, because it's so sad, and so true!
Too many judge by appearance rather then substance. Reputation can be influenced by gossip, and like appearances can be altered artificially, but character is the substance, the stuff that makes someone who they truly are!
Maybe someone could explain another modern concept? I have heard it said that "co-dependence" in relationships is unhealthy. I personally think this is another case of twisted dysfunctional teaching. I never have seen anything wrong with co-dependence.
It might be poorly named, (or maybe I misunderstand it) but I think co-dependence typicaly refers to when one member of the couple has some bad addiction, like smoking, gambling, drinking, and their partner, in an attempt to be helpful, is an enabler of said flaw: making excuses for them, or providing moral validation, or even financial support for the other's deficiency.
It might be poorly named, (or maybe I misunderstand it) but I think co-dependence typicaly refers to when one member of the couple has some bad addiction, like smoking, gambling, drinking, and their partner, in an attempt to be helpful, is an enabler of said flaw: making excuses for them, or providing moral validation, or even financial support for the other's deficiency.
That to me sounds more like suicide. Enabling self destructive behavior is bad no matter who it is, but helping someone you claim to love, and be one with, destroy themself is inconceivable!

If that definition is correct, I'd have to agree It's unhealthy!
I think the unbiblical aspect of codependency is emotional or spiritual codependency. A person is not able to function emotionally or spiritually without said person. That's when it gets dangerous. Individual believers are responsible for their own spiritual maturity and emotional independence.

Just my musings.
Codependency Relationships - Codependent - Mental Health America
Mental Health America › co-dependency
It is an emotional and behavioral condition that affects an individual's ability to have a healthy, mutually satisfying relationship. It is also known as “relationship addiction” because people with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive.

Maybe interdependence would be a better word.
For a constructive, healthy relationship, like a good partnership? I think that's the way "interdependence" is normally used....
I have heard it said that "co-dependence" in relationships is unhealthy. I personally think this is another case of twisted dysfunctional teaching. I never have seen anything wrong with co-dependence. To me it is just each trusting the other to do and handle their job. I mean who wants to have a partner that's a freeloader, and doesn't pull their weight? Usually each can make life easier for the other by being reliable, and to me this leads to co-dependance. After all if two are really one, to say you cannot depend on each other is kind of like saying that you really shouldn't stand on both of your own legs!

Keep saying what the Spirit teaches, Friend...
There is no rambling comments, when you listen to Him:)
God bless you (and your family) as you serve!
Modern men are feminized too by the easy living that city life affords, and it doesn't help that most hire everything done, rather then learn to do it themselves.
Churches and schools all want conformity, and it begins at the earliest ages, so by the time the poor guy is out of college he's basically ready for the kind of "egalitarian" "co-equal" marriage, that only those truly, willfully, educated into ignorance think is healthy.

Maybe someone could explain another modern concept? I have heard it said that "co-dependence" in relationships is unhealthy. I personally think this is another case of twisted dysfunctional teaching. I never have seen anything wrong with co-dependence. To me it is just each trusting the other to do and handle their job. I mean who wants to have a partner that's a freeloader, and doesn't pull their weight? Usually each can make life easier for the other by being reliable, and to me this leads to co-dependance. After all if two are really one, to say you cannot depend on each other is kind of like saying that you really shouldn't stand on both of your own legs!

Just my rambling comments this morning.
Not Rambling Sis. Not at all. Spot on! Couldn't have said it better. Basically . . . POoOW!! My wife just said after reading your post to her, "Isn't that what 'help meet' is all about?" That'd be two amens from us.
I can understand the point that there's too few actual "Men" around. When I was looking for a husband all I found were a lot of males who were really little boys who just wanted to play. Lots of them were degenerates, too. Really sad. I got lucky and met a wonderful woman who had a wonderful man at home and now I'm in that home, too. Blessed am I!

But it's terribly sad for the women who think that a life filled with college, career, and a series of meaningless transient relationships is somehow a substitute for the fulfillment we discover when we follow the Lord's design for us.
...a series of meaningless transient relationships...
You've just described the plot lines of most modern television shows, movies, and novels.

Play, play, and play, until you find your soul mate, that you will divorce in five years for your true, true soul mate....wash, rinse, repeat cycle.:eek:
To add some additional food for thought and a discussion I had with my daughter. She told me she found that the divorce rate is going down. Asked her why. She said, “Well, because people aren’t getting divorces.” I told her, “Not all together. Reasearch is finding there is a great deal of men are giving up on marriage.” She’s mad at me now, cause she found that is one of the factors reducing divorce. Being single is value added to the man. A married man loses value the moment he says, “I do.” Part of the reason there aren’t enough men out there is it’s just not worth it to more and more men. Not that I agree with their reasoning fully, but I surely understand.
Usually each can make life easier for the other by being reliable, and to me this leads to co-dependance. After all if two are really one, to say you cannot depend on each other is kind of like saying that you really shouldn't stand on both of your own legs!

reminds me of...

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12
To add some additional food for thought and a discussion I had with my daughter. She told me she found that the divorce rate is going down. Asked her why. She said, “Well, because people aren’t getting divorces.” I told her, “Not all together. Reasearch is finding there is a great deal of men are giving up on marriage.” She’s mad at me now, cause she found that is one of the factors reducing divorce. Being single is value added to the man. A married man loses value the moment he says, “I do.” Part of the reason there aren’t enough men out there is it’s just not worth it to more and more men. Not that I agree with their reasoning fully, but I surely understand.

We just got into the MGTOW conversation again!