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Things Christians Say About Polygamy


Real Person
I listen to a lot materialin the form of podcasts, videos, and whatever. When someone says something I transcribe it, and I will begin sharing them here. I would love to see this thread become a source of similar quotes. Join me in collecting them.

I'll start with a quote from Ray Comfort on the next entry.
Ray Comfort on Polygamy

Ray Comfort & Thunderf00t Unedited

Thunderfoot: Is polygamy right or wrong?

Ray Comfort: In the Old Testament there is a dispensation where God said that it was okay, because…

Thunderfoot: So if God said pedophilia was okay, then pedophilia would be okay?

Ray Comfort: No! He wouldn't go against his moral character.
Cow fam said:
Interesting as Ray has recently spoken against polygamy regarding ...
If Ray claims that polygyny was acceptable to God before, then would it not be necessary to have a NT passage to prove that such had been reversed?

Absolutely! We should hold his feet to the fire on this. Perhaps you should send a question to "On the Box". Unfortunately they don't have a call in segment. Maybe one of our members lives near Huntington Beach, and could confront him personally.

BTW this debate with Thunderf00t is excellent. If you haven't watched it, check it out.

Next, I have a quote from Matt Slick the owner of CARM.
Matt Slick on Polygamy

1411Matt10-18-12 52:48

Caller: One thing they (an ethics class) mention concerning, in the Ten Commandments,
thou shalt not commit adultery. They said it was gender specific, and I was thinking to
myself even in that particular culture it was gender specific. Cause they said, like, if the
woman committed adultery she was stoned to death, but the man could have many wives,
such as polygamy, kind of things like that.

Matt Slick: Being married…polygamy is not adultery. Technically, polygamy is not
adultery. You are married to more than one person. You're not committing adultery if
you're having relations with them. I'm not justifying polygamy, but that argument
doesn't work…because adultery is having relations with someone you are not married
too. So if you are married to three women, if your having relations with them, you are not
committing adultery with then. It's a simple fact. What's that?

Caller: I see. Well, I had no idea. I had absolutely no idea. That is actually kind of

Matt Slick: Whats shocking?

Caller: Because, I mean, I understand that we shouldn't argue for polygamy and all,
because the Bible does say, let everyman have one wife in the New Testament.

Matt Slick: Right.

Caller: SO hum so, but I do wonder, why didn't God necessarily deal with Solomon
when he was married to so many wives.

Matt Slick: I think to teach us a lesson. What did Solomon ask for from God? God says…

Caller: Wisdom.

Matt Slick: and Solomon ended up in apostasy. Married to all these women. His wisdom
didn't serve him. When David said, there is one thing I desire from the Lord, that I would
dwell in the House of the Lord forever. His desire wasn't wisdom. His desire was the
very presence of God. You see, man centeredness, man's ideas lead us astray. When we
want God as the center, then we will be okay, and we have to understand that in the case
of polygamy, in Solomon's case, God allowed it to occur, and look what it did to him. He
was led astray by all these women. Even his great wisdom couldn't help him.


Caller: wow

Matt Slick: So,you know I got one wife. She is all I need. She is the only woman I love
like that, and I am happy with her. I don't need a second woman, and God doesn't want
me to have a second woman. And Ive never commited adultery and I'm never going too.
And the Bible is right: one wife, no adultery. It's true. That's how it should be. But in a
class of ethics.Where morality is relative, then why is adultery wrong? Why is stealing
wrong? Because it harms people? Why is that wrong? It becomes subjectivity.
Subjectivity, leads to skepticism, skepticism leads to dogmatism. And they we will
become dogmatic without logical connection Without support and evidence they will
become dogmanic and say, that's the way it is, because that's the way it is.
I thought Matt's point about dogmatism was interesting. Eventually that's the very place MOPs settle into. Polygamy is bad because it's bad...
Rick Warren is notorious for speaking without checking his facts. I'm reminded of some recent comments about a Muslim country he was visiting.

Speaking of research, what was the source for both the Rick Warren and Billy Graham quotes?
Here is the last one for now. It its from Todd Friel of Wretched Radio. Notice his reluctance to admit the truth about what God thinks morally about polygamy.
Living Waters – Way of the Master Radio
Pod Cast: Perhaps the worst thing you can hear on an…

Responding to a man with 3 wives and 21 children
Todd Friel:
Re: Polygamy

Do you know why polygamy is wrong?
Do you know why?
I mean, I know there is something inside of us that just goes Ahhhahhh.
Polygamy! Multiple wives! Tons of babies!

Bye the way, do we have any experience of their being one wife and a bunch of men?
Is there anything out there like that any place? (Laughs) ah, The wife wouldn't be nutty
enough to do that. It's always the man and the women.

Do you know why we are opposed to this? Have you thought about it? I mean you bring
it up and just instantly you have some sort of reaction inside of you that ahhrrrahh that's
not right, but why is that?

Well let me just suggest to you that its something just so profound I'm not sure we even
(lip smack sounds like he is tasting something) we have just a teenie tiny taste of it. Let
me share with you what I think it is that is so profound and why polygamy is wrong.

In Genesis chapter 2, we see a man leaving the covenant relationship with his father and
mother to join a better covenant relationship with his wife. Where two "half fleshes" if
you will, become one flesh in a, " till death do us part." Covenant language. The
language that the Israelites used to covenant with God and vice versa. The language that
you shouldn't break that relationship was the language that was used between a man and
a woman.

But they really…but why? Why?

I mean…Okay, I know this is going to sound weird and don't think for a second, don't
anybody take this out of context, that I am endorsing this, but I…it could have been, I
suppose, that multiple partners could have been fine in some economy. I mean that could
have been God's morals, I guess.

Why is it a problem? What intrinsically about it is wrong? Why cant one guy marry
multiple women? Huh? Why did God do it this way? Why isn't it like this guy who has 3
wives and 21 children? That's a full quiver, I'm telling you. Its just that he's got too
many, he's got too many quivers is the problem. That's his issue.

At any rate, the reason is this, we don't see it as revealed throughout the old testament.
Because remember, throughout the old testament, I have got to tell you, they were in the
dark on a lot of stuff. They probably didn't realize it. They had some longing for messiah
and who is this going to be and how is this going to unfold? I don't think they had a clue
as to how grand it was ultimately going to be. When ultimately, Jesus ushered in the new
covenant. Now we are told that. They longed to know what this was all about, how this
was all going to play itself out, but I don't think they could even come close to the
profound nature of the new covenant. Here it is.

(to himself) …cause Todd if you don't get to it soon we are going to find you and hurt

Here it is, God has a man Eph 5, God has a man marry one woman, and vice versa,
because we play roles. You have heard me talk about this before. The man is Jesus and
the woman is the church. What does Ephesians 5 say: this is a profound mystery. I think
we only have a tiny taste of this profound mystery. Sir, you get to play Jesus, madam you
get to play church. We are playing roles so that the world will see us and go, ohhhhh. I
get it now. I see how Jesus loves the church. I see how the church loves Jesus. We're
playing a part so that the world can know what it is like to be in a right relationship with
Jesus Christ, and if, sir, playing the role of Jesus you marry several women, now you
have got several churches that your married to, and that is not the way Jesus intended it.
Boy especially, in this post modern society isn't that profound? The mindset that says, ah
you can believe anything that you want too. Ahhh, you can think anything you want too,
and all roads lead to God. The marriage covenant says: no you cant! Jesus is married to
one church, and the church is married to one Jesus. The End!

…and that's why we are only married one to another. And not one to multiples. Because
of the profound nature of what marriage is. It's bigger than us. That's why we are
opposed to polygamy. Because the Bible makes it clear, we are in a drama for all the
world to see that God might be glorified, and don't goof it up by marrying multiple
Just a comment to the emotional reaction recorded above.

As everyone knows, the emotions are tied into our understanding/knowledge. Now, the gentleman above has been indroctrinated (brainwashed(?)) in the "monogamy only" heresy. Therefore, polygyny is just plain (for him) "yukky". That, however, has nothing to do with the objective truth of the matter, that is just the way he's been taught.

Reading his thoughts caused an emotional reaction on my part which was sadness at his ignorantly blaspheming God. He is blaspheming and doesn't even know it. And this has been going on for centuries! People who are so sure of the holiness of monogamy-only that they just plain don't see that they are blaspheming their Saviour!

Is that not sad?
Mark, if you could post the actual source for that Billy Graham quote it would be great. Because he's spot-on, and he's someone whose opinion many people would respect, so this could be a useful quote for some people to know when discussing things with their churches. On this one minor issue, Islam really does do a better job than the Christian church as a whole, and I am very pleased to see that he recognises that.

The lack of logic in all the other statements is very sad (polygamy isn't sin, but I find it yucky, therefore it's obviously wrong, although I can't find a verse to back this up I know it more certainly than virtually any other issue in Christianity).

I looked for this at vision forum and at sermonaudio.com, but couldn't find it.

Was that a download?

I had a pastor earlier this year say (paraphrase) that part of their goal is to help people grow to become more Christlike and that how is practicing polygamy becoming more Christlike... I had not expected that question and by that point in the conversation was more wound up than I wanted to be and couldn't answer it on the fly... Anyway, just one more to be prepared to answer. :)
Chris, here's the first two potential answers that jump to my head:

- Does every single thing in your life need to be about becoming more Christlike? Is marrying one woman becoming more Christlike? Is having children? Is eating pizza? Becoming more Christlike is a very good thing, but our judge of whether something is profitable or not cannot be "does this make me more Christlike" in every single decision, it's not always the issue.

- Christ is to marry the Church, ie the "called-out ones", ie a large group of people, ie a few million wives. So going by this logic, the MORE wives you can get the more Christlike you would be. Which is a dangerous goal, you've got to also be able to support and love them all. I certainly do not believe in turning polygyny into a religious goal, it's something that is allowed, not mandated. However if we follow his logic to it's ultimate conclusion, that's where you end up, quite the opposite of where he'd intend to be...
Great thoughts FollowingHim. :) Hmmm now about that million wives thing, ummm yes, :lol: I'm quite certain I'll never have that many. :)
Matt Slick is just over the hill from us. He is on daily from 3-4pm. I have so badly wanted to call and open up this discussion. It's just that he's so rude and the call should probably come from my husband. Not to mention the fact that, like so many others, they quickly subvert to non-Biblical comments when they can't come up with the scripture to support their viewpoints.
Todd Friel
Wretched Radio
Leave a message 18772822337
Email: idea@wretchedradio.com

Todd Friel: Okay, why are we opposed to bestiality? It's not about consent. It's not about.
It's not about we are different than the animals. It's about the Bible says, it's a deplorable
act. The end. 'kay. No explanation. The Bible says so. Next. Man, Animals, don't mix.
Why is that bad? Why do you and I have a feeling about that that says that's wrong?
Because ultimately it is just a feeling unless there is an objective standard that says that is
wrong. So we need to get away from consent issues. We need to get away from going
ewe. We need to say, God says so, because there are arguments now, because of the
slippery slope, the door that has been kicked open. Thanks to the overturning of the
Texas sodomy laws. Now the slippery slope brings bestiality into play. It brings
polygamy into play, and we better start saying, No, God says so.
Anyone notice how inconsistent Todd Friel is being here?

Yes, the Bible does overtly condemn bestiality.

Yes, the Bible does overtly condemn homosexual behavior.

How then does he lump in polygamy?

I agree that the Bible must be the standard, but he is not doing that with polygamy.

Worse yet, he places these behaviors on the same moral level.

So Abraham, the friend of God, was no better than someone who violates animals. And David, a man after Gods own heart, remained in consistent un-repentant sin equal to homosexuality.

Does Todd really believe what he is saying?