• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.

This is too funny! ...and cute!

I LOVE it when people actually practice what they preach! Andrew is so right, that it is incredibly difficult to save yourselves for the wedding!
Just move the wedding up!
Oh no! You've gotta go through our, "Berfore You Say 'I Do'" class first! Just control your urges, you sinful reprobate! We'll have a 16 week class for you two in the Fall, and as soon as you complete the training, we can officiate the ceremony for you! :p
I don't know about that!
I might add that "Before You Say 'I Do'" has one session in there that I recall where they warn future husbands about talking to other women. I get a chuckle out of that nowadays.
How bout we just grab a couple of friends as witnesses, hold each other's hand, and say "I take you as my man/woman" and kiss? BAM!! We just saved a bunch of money (without Gieco!), now let's PARTY!! :D:p
I have a confession to make. As a preface, I had no choice but to get a marriage license, (not that I wouldn't have done so given the choice) or else she would have been sent back to her country. I paid the $100 deposit for the church, but never paid the balance $300 that they told us they would charge. That was 18 years ago Sunday.
I have a confession to make. As a preface, I had no choice but to get a marriage license, (not that I wouldn't have done so given the choice) or else she would have been sent back to her country. I paid the $100 deposit for the church, but never paid the balance $300 that they told us they would charge. That was 18 years ago Sunday.
What if they decide to repossess her?
Here are my choices:
  • Pay them. It's the right thing to do.
  • Pay them and adjust for interest and inflation.
  • Forget about it. They have already forgotten about it, and you shouldn't have gotten snookered into it in the first place
  • Think about maybe paying them one day, after you become a VP or executive at XYZ corporation, if and when that ever happens, and just go about your daily routine, trying to be the best husband and father you can be.