In my parents house, my siblings and I were taught that these three evil sisters - Jealousy, Envy, and Strife - were not to be tolerated and were not welcome in the house.
We were taught to treat each other with kindness and respect. The role model for that was how our father treated our mother.
We were taught to be happy and proud of each others accomplishments and rewards, because it took hard work and dedication to achieve them. The role model for that was how our mother treated our father.
Our parents were not bible thumpers nor were they holy rollers..they believed that their children should be taught and trained in the ways of God. After our evening prayers, daddy would talk with each one of us kids and ask us if we upheld the ten commandments during our journey that day. He did this every single night until we moved out of his house.
As I understand the meaning of the word 'jealous' it shows ownership or possession of. So when God says that he is a jealous God, it makes sense to me because we who are born again are now grafted onto the vine and have become children of the promise with God as our Heavenly Father. As our Father, he takes offense when someone tries to pound the stuffing out of one of his children, therefore his jealous nature would take over when He deals with the person hurting his child.
When a person is learning about poly it is vitally important to find a mentor who is currently living the poly life, not just yakking about it in theory. Theory and real life are two horses of a whole other different color.
The mentor can help the newbie navigate the Word and show that the three evil sisters have no place to hide and fester on this wonderful journey.
Build a new paradigm - it takes practice learning to stand your ground while being gentle and loving.
The idea of seperate homes is the worst idea -- you have no husband and no sisterwife. The whole point of living poly is love and sisterhood. Your SW is not your rival -- if that is your thinking then your home/family is doomed.
There are no guarantees in life, except that things happen for God's best reason. Have faith and learn to live. Trust your husband -- if you don't, who will???